这篇报导最原始的 paper 在这里:
目前我个人只能看到 abstract,希望能有神人可以看到整篇文章;中译的部分
已经尽个人所能了,如果错误欢迎指正 Orz
就 abstract 来说:
Background People who are physically active have at least a 30% lower
risk of death during follow-up compared with those who are inactive.
However, the ideal dose of exercise for improving longevity is
背景 常运动的人死亡风险低过不运动的人至少 30%。不过增进寿命的最佳
Objectives The aim of this study was to investigate the association
between jogging and long-term, all-cause mortality by focusing
specifically on the effects of pace, quantity, and frequency of jogging.
研究目的 此研究仅针对慢跑的“跑速、跑量和实施频率”对于长期、全因素
Methods As part of the Copenhagen City Heart Study, 1,098 healthy
joggers and 3,950 healthy nonjoggers have been prospectively followed
up since 2001. Cox proportional hazards regression analysis was performed
with age as the underlying time scale and delayed entry.
研究方法 作为哥本哈根市心脏研究的一部分,自 2001 起长期追踪 1,098 位
慢跑者及 3,950 位健康的不跑步者。以年纪为时序基础利用回归分析出害处比例。
Results Compared with sedentary nonjoggers, 1 to 2.4 h of jogging per
week was associated with the lowest mortality (multivariable hazard
ratio [HR]: 0.29; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.11 to 0.80).
The optimal frequency of jogging was 2 to 3 times per week (HR: 0.32;
95% CI: 0.15 to 0.69) or 1 time per week (HR: 0.29; 95% CI: 0.12 to
0.72). The optimal pace was slow (HR: 0.51; 95% CI: 0.24 to 1.10) or
average (HR: 0.38; 95% CI: 0.22 to 0.66). The joggers were divided into
light, moderate, and strenuous joggers. The lowest HR for mortality was
found in light joggers (HR: 0.22; 95% CI: 0.10 to 0.47), followed by
moderate joggers (HR: 0.66; 95% CI: 0.32 to 1.38) and strenuous joggers
(HR: 1.97; 95% CI: 0.48 to 8.14).
与久坐不跑步的参考组比较,每周慢跑 1 至 2.4 小时呈现最低死亡率。
最佳的实施频率为每周跑 2 至 3 次或是每周 1 次。
Conclusions The findings suggest a U-shaped association between
all-cause mortality and dose of jogging as calibrated by pace,
quantity, and frequency of jogging. Light and moderate joggers have
lower mortality than sedentary nonjoggers, whereas strenuous
joggers have a mortality rate not statistically different from that
of the sedentary group.
结论 研究结果认为全因素死亡率与慢跑量(随跑速、跑量及实施频率校正)
呈现 U 型相关。轻度及中度跑者与久坐不跑者相比有较低的死亡率,而强度
原来的 paper 跟新闻报的差了十万八千里... 到底是哪里出问题呢?
※ 引述《firstkiki (洛晴)》之铭言:
: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/288871.php
: 这是英文新闻的原文,中文的内容根本乱拼乱凑
: Numerous studies have associated physical activity with reduced mortality,
: with some suggesting that just small amounts of exercise can do the job.
: A recent study reported by Medical News Today, for example, claims that a
: daily 20-minute brisk walk could reduce the risk of early death by 16-30%.
: 许多研究表示身体活动可降低死亡率
: 今日医学新闻报导最近的一项研究,例如每日快走可减少16~30%的早死风险
: 原文连结
: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/288042.php
: The link between lower levels of exercise and reduced mortality is supported
: with this latest study, which suggests light jogging is most beneficial for
: lowering the risk of premature death.
: 这研究中证实低强度运动和降低死亡率是有关连性的
: 慢跑是最有利减少早死率的运动
: To reach their findings, Dr. Schnohr and colleagues analyzed 5,048 healthy
: individuals who were a part of the Copenhagen City Heart Study.
: Of these, 1,098 were joggers and 3,950 were sedentary non-joggers.
: 分析对象1098个跑者跟3950个久坐不跑者
: (最后研究统计跑者是878 久坐不跑者是413)
: Jogging more than a few times a week at a strenuous pace 'may be harmful'
: 高强度慢跑超过几次"可能有害"
: During the study, there were 28 deaths among joggers and 128 among non-joggers.
: The team notes that overall, the joggers were younger, had a lower prevalence
: of diabetes and smoking, and had lower blood pressure and body mass index
: (BMI).
: 研究过程中有28个跑者死亡(我去找paper看图表是写17人)
: 128个不跑者死亡
: 该团队指出,整体而言,有跑步的人会较年轻,低糖尿病患病率和较少抽菸,
: 而且血压跟身体质量指数都较低
: Dr. Schnohr notes that light jogging in this study represents vigorous exercise
: , while strenuous jogging represents very vigorous exercise.
: "When performed for decades, this activity level could pose health risks,
: especially to the cardiovascular system," he adds.
: Dr. Schnohr指出轻度慢跑在这项研究是属于剧烈运动,
: 而更高强度的慢跑是非常剧烈的运动
: 他补充说,当此活动进行了几十年,可能会造成健康风险,尤其是心血管系统。
: http://content.onlinejacc.org/article.aspx?articleID=2108914
: Conclusions:
: The findings suggest a U-shaped association between all-cause mortality and
: dose of jogging as calibrated by pace, quantity, and frequency of jogging.
: Light and moderate joggers have lower mortality than sedentary nonjoggers,
: whereas "strenuous joggers have a mortality rate not statistically different
: from that of the sedentary group."
: 请看最后一句
: "剧烈运动跟久坐不动者的死亡率在统计学上无明显差异"
: Perspectives
: Compared with more sedentary people, people who jog regularly exhibit a
: significantly lower all-cause mortality rate. Those who jog lightly or
: moderately appear to benefit more than strenuous joggers,
: whose long-term mortality rate is similar to that of sedentary people.
: COMPETENCY IN PATIENT CARE: When prescribing exercise to improve longevity,
: strenuous exercise is not necessary and might reduce the health benefits
: of light to moderate physical activity.
: TRANSLATIONAL OUTLOOK: Further studies are needed to explore the mechanisms
: by which excessively strenuous exercise adversely affects longevity before
: the pattern of association between exercise intensity and long-term mortality
: can be incorporated into physical activity recommendations for the general
: public.
: 最后一段说,在探讨过度强烈运动的不利影响之前,
: 还需要先研究探讨运动强度跟长期死亡率的关联性。
: ※ 引述《eatpeanut (噜杀杀西~~~噜杀杀!! )》之铭言:
: : 1周快跑4次 死亡率比慢跑增9倍
: 统计数据上,快跑死亡率跟慢跑死亡率比较,快跑较高
: 但研究中无法证实快跑会增加死亡率
: : 丹麦最新研究指出,快跑等激烈运动长期有损健康,增加死亡风险,速度适中的慢跑才是
: : 长寿最佳秘诀。
: 研究中没有说会"增加"死亡风险,是数据比较的高低而已
: 记者自己断章取义加油添醋还蛮厉害的
: : 哥本哈根腓特烈斯贝医院的团队,研究1098名健康跑者与413名健康但不运动者,追踪期
: : 达12年。结果发现,每周跑共逾2.5小时或逾4次、跑步时速达11.3公里以上者,死亡率竟
: : 然与不运动的“沙发马铃薯”相当,比每周跑1至2.4小时、跑速约时速8公里的跑者,死
: 是统计数据上死亡率相当
: : 亡率高出9倍。这份研究报告发表在前天最新一期《美国心脏病学会期刊》。
: : 研究人员史诺尔(Peter Schnohr)指出,跑步属剧烈运动,长期下来可能对健康造成危
: : 害,尤其是心血管系统。如果跑步目的是为降低死亡风险且延年益寿,建议每周2至3次以
: : 适中速度慢跑为最佳;跑步频率太高或太剧烈不仅没必要,更可能伤身。
: 研究中没有任何数据证实快跑"伤身"