[中英] 期待爱

楼主: JinSha ( )   2014-02-13 00:17:29
期待爱 - 林俊杰+金莎
Expect Love - Jun Jie Lin + Jin Sha
俊杰:my life一直在等待
Jun Jie: My life, it keeps waiting
With an empty pocket,
Where I'd like to put a love inside
Why am I always defeated
And really so helpless
In fact I am credible and truthful
No matter how handsome or not
俊杰:想要找回来 金莎:想要找回来
俊杰:自己的节拍 金莎:自己的节拍
Jun Jie: Want to get back
Jin Sha: Want to get back
Jun Jie: My own rhythm
Jin Sha: My own rhythm
Jun Jie: So at this time
Jun Jie & Jin Sha: I want to bravely say it out loud
俊杰 & 金莎: 期待 期待你发现我的爱
无所不在 我自然而然的关怀
俊杰: 你的存在 金莎: 你的存在
俊杰 & 金莎: 心灵感应的方向
我一眼就看出来 是因为爱
Jun Jie & Jin Sha:
Expect, expect you to find my love
And the ubiquity of my spontaneous and natural care
Jun Jie: Your existence
Jin Sha: Your existence
Jun Jie & Jin Sha: The direction of telepathy
is foreseen with an eye, because of love
俊杰 & 金莎: 我猜你早已发现我的爱
俊杰: 不要走开 金莎: 不要走开
俊杰 & 金莎: 幸福的开始就是放手去爱
Jun Jie & Jin Sha: I guess you've already found my love
Make a few turns, and it gets more clear when we get closer
Jun Jie: Do not go away
Jin Sha: Do not go away
Jun Jie & Jin Sha: Felicity begins just from going ahead to love

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