Merkle (你在想奇怪的东西齁)
2015-03-03 11:58:16Beta 15 出了 Patch Note宇宙无敌长 原文就有10张A4.....
我慢慢翻 =_= 然后用我流翻法 大致上是翻出意思 不逐句翻
Beta 15
Beta 15 requires a new campaign.
**强烈建议开新的游戏 不要用先前的存盘接下去 可能会有问题
Features/New Functionality
* Functionality for new soldier voice packs is in game.
Voicepacks will be assigned to soldiers of the appropriate nationality and
may manually be assigned to any soldier of the designated gender.
有新的士兵语音包 然后新增的国家会自动分配到适合的语音
More voicepacks are in production and this list will be updated when they
are complete. Many props to Long War Sound Editor TrackTwo for his tireless
efforts getting this working, and special thanks to Firaxis, who helped us
with some processing settings to get the voicepacks sounding similar to the
vanilla ones.
接下来会去出更多语音包 然后谢谢Firaxis有提供技术支援
* A new bonuses system is in place: 全新的加成系统
1) Players may choose from a number of starting bonuses tied to which of the
16 council countries you put your first satellite.
你可以直接选择要从哪个国家开始 而不是只能选五洲其中一州
You have multiple options for some countries.
The bonuses aren't balanced against each other, so to some degree this is
a way to play a somewhat customized campaign.
开场选择的加成有的强有的弱 让你拥有不同的游戏体验
2) When launching a satellite, a player gains a specific country bonus.
These are less powerful than the starter bonuses, and some of the
countries that offer less monthly $$ have stronger bonuses to make
them attractive.
每打上去一颗卫星 你就可以拿到该国的国家加成
国家加成越强 给的$$$越少 加成比较弱的 给你比较多$$$
Some costs were rebalanced in light of bonuses now available.
因应新的国家加成 有些花费有作调整(目前已知卫星变贵 140->200)
3) Continent bonuses are now gained with ONLY full satellite coverage over
all countries on the continent.
之前选开场点直接拿大洲加成 没了
Some have been rebalanced and the OTS discount is no longer tied to any
continent. The strength of each bonus, and the country assignment, can be
modified in DGC.ini.
大洲加成有调整 有更改 然后原本欧洲的军官学校花费折扣
从大洲加成移除(改去国家加成了) 你也可以自己去DGC.ini修改
* XCOM will draw soldiers from roughly 90 new countries (with unique flags)
in addition to the existing group, with dozens of new namelists by Uzifeline.
士兵出身多了90个新国家(不知道有没有台湾 我还没看到台湾的国旗 QQ)
Countries include all of Europe (save microstates) and South America, with
almost all of Central America and Asia, and lots of African countries. And
New Zealand. Players can still control frequency of all countries providing
soldiers with ini edits.
Van Doorn gets UN flag, because he really represents all of us.
SHIVs get XCOM flag in strategy game lists.
就是跟你说包含哪些国家 然后 General Van Doorn 的国旗是用UN的旗帜
* Major overhaul to Not-So-Long-War, which has been renamed Dyanmic War.
Instead of planning missions monthly, with this option the aliens will check
supply and threat to launch most missions constantly. This allows mission
frequency in NSLW to be tunable with the ini setting