第一位开幕战开球的总统: Howard Taft
第一位现场看MLB的总统: Benjamin Harrison
第一位现场看晚场比赛的总统: Harry Truman
第一位现场看世界大赛的总统: Woodrow Wilson
第一位现场看明星赛的总统: Franklin Roosevelt
第一位在球员休息区看球的总统: Ronald Reagan
第一位在加拿大看球的总统: George H.W. Bush
1. Never put the tying or go-ahead run on base.
2. Play for the tie at home, go for the victory on the road.
3. Don't hit and run with an 0-2 count.
4. Don't play the infield in early in the game.
5. Never make the first or third out at third.
6. Never steal when you're two or more runs down.
7. Don't steal when you're well ahead.
8. Don't steal third with two outs.
9. Don't bunt for a hit when you need a sacrifice.
10. Never throw behind the runner.
11. Left and right fielders concede everything to center fielder.
12. Never give up a home run on an 0-2 count.
13. Never let the score influence the way you manage.
14. Don't go against the percentages.
15. Take a strike when your club is behind in a ballgame.
16. Leadoff hitter must be a base stealer. Designated hitter must be a power
17. Never give an intentional walk if first base is occupied.
18. With runners in scoring position and first base open, walk the number
eight hitter to get to the pitcher.
19. In rundown situations, always run the runner back toward the base from
which he came.
20. If you play for one run, that's all you'll get.
21. Don't bunt with a power hitter up.
22. Don't take the bat out of your best hitter's hands by sacrificing in
front of him.
23. Only use your bullpen stopper in late-inning situations.
24. Don't use your stopper in a tie game - only when you're ahead.
25. Hit behind the runner at first.
26. If one of your players gets knocked down by a pitch, retaliate.
27. Hit the ball where it's pitched.
28. A manager should remain detached from his players.
29. Never mention a no-hitter while it's in progress.
30. With a right-hander on the mound, don't walk a right-handed hitter to
pitch to a left-handed hitter.
最短的球棒: 30 inches, Willie Keeler使用
最长的球棒: 38 inches, Al Simmons使用
最轻的球棒: 30 ounces, Billy Goodman和Joe Morgan使用
最重的球棒: 48 ounces, Edd Roush使用
Tony Gwynn的棒子: Louisville Slugger B267, 32 1/2 inches, 32 ounces
Pete Rose的棒子: Louisville Slugger R195, 35 inches, 34 ounces
Hank Aaron的棒子: Louisville Slugger A115, 34 1/2 inches, 32 ounces
Ted Williams的棒子: Louisville Slugger, 34 inches, 30 ounces
Babe Ruth的棒子: Louisville Slugger, 35 to 42 inches, 38 to 54 ounces
Ace: 王牌投手。最容易战的名词之一。
Around the Horn: 5-4-3双杀。
Baltimore Chop: 把球往地上打,让球弹起来飞过内野手的头顶形成安打。
别名: 又是高志纲。
Bandbox: 很小很适合打击的球场。例子:台中球场。
Beanball: 故意往打者头上丢的球。参考: 张伯伦 vs 优克里斯
Bench Clearer: 干架了。
Can of Corn: 懒洋洋的飞球。
Captain Hook: 换投果断的教练。
Dinger: 全垒打。
Doubleheader: 一日二战。
Texas leaguer:德州安打。
Eephus Pitch: 小便球。
Fireman: 终结者。
Five O’Clock Hitter: 练习型选手。
Golden Sombrero: 4-0且单场被K四次,就是K金战士的意思啦。
Olympic Rings: 五张K,出老千啦。
Hot Stove: 乳摸。
Goose Egg: 鸭蛋。
Lawrence Welk: 1-2-3双杀。
Lord Charles: 曲球。
Moon Shot: 射到月球上。
Pitcher’s Best Friend: 王建民的好朋友。
Punch and Judy Hitter: 小刀也能砍倒大树
Riding the Pine: 来温板凳的。
Sawed off: 球棒断了。
Southpaw: 左投手。
Bazooka: 强肩犯。
Fence buster: 肥仔。
Picasso: 控球大师。
Pow wow: 内野开会。
Worm burner: 强劲滚地球。