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MLB 21个奇怪的伤
1. Hunter Pence, Astros
The hotshot outfielder was the early talk of spring training this year after
he suffered lacerations on his knee and right index finger from walking
through a sliding glass door at his apartment in Kissimmee while hot-tubbing
with a female friend. But he isn't alone in baseball injury lore.
太空人的Hunter Pence今年春训时, 与他的女性朋友洗热水澡时, 走过他在Kissimmee的
2.Clint Barmes, Rockies
The 2005 NL Rookie of the Year candidate short-circuited his season, and
ultimately his career, by taking a tumble on a flight of stairs while
carrying groceries. Barmes, who injured his left shoulder, later admitted he
was actually hauling a slab of deer meat procured while hunting with teammate
Todd Helton.
2005年国联年度最佳新人的候选人洛矶队的Clint Barmes, 因搬杂物爬楼梯时跌倒而结
束了风光的新人球季。Barmes弄伤了他的左肩膀, 之后他承认是搬运与队友Todd Helton
3. Chris Brown, Giants
According to legend, the former Giants infielder once begged out of a minor
league game because he said he'd strained his eyelid by "sleeping on it
根据传说,前巨人队的内野手Chris Brown曾经因为拉伤眼皮而错失了一场小联盟的比赛,
4. Kevin Brown, Yankees
The cantankerous hurler punched a wall in frustration and broke his
non-pitching hand after being removed from a start in 2004. Unfortunately for
the Yankees, Brown returned in time to take a pounding from the archrival Red
Sox in Game 7 of the ALCS.
洋基队脾气暴躁的投手Kevin Brown因2004年一场先发投不好被换下场, 因为感到挫折而捶
打墙壁却打断了他不必投球的左手。对洋基更不幸的是, 在美联冠军系列赛第七战他伤好
5. David Cone, Yankees
Talk about the dog days of summer, the hurler missed a start in June 1998
after he was bitten on the ring finger of his pitching hand by his mother's
Jack Russell terrier, Veronica.
谈起夏天闷热潮溼的日子, 就要提到1998年6月洋基队的投手David Cone错失了一场先发,
6. Marty Cordova, Orioles
Opting for lamps over natural sunlight (perhaps the logical option for a
baseball player) to stay bronzed, Marty Cordova was burnt to a crisp and
ordered to ride the bench for a game.
在健身房以自然的日光灯照射让皮肤保持为古铜色 (或许对棒球选手是合理的选择),
但金莺的外野手Marty Cordova却因此烧伤了脸, 而被迫在一场比赛坐板凳。
7. Adam Eaton, Padres
The right-hander wound up in an emergency room after stabbing himself in the
gut while trying to open a DVD with a paring knife.
教士队的右投手Adam Eaton用一把削皮刀打开DVD时却刺进自己的内脏, 因此被送进急诊
8. Rickey Henderson, Blue Jays
No stranger to injuries or bizarre behavior, baseball's all-time stolen base
king missed three mid-summer games after allegedly falling asleep with an ice
pack on his foot and developing frostbite.
史上的盗垒王蓝鸟队的Richkey Henderson错失了三场夏天中旬的比赛, 依他陈述是他把
9. Glenallen Hill, Blue Jays
The arachnophobic outfielder cut himself up in 1990 by falling out of bed and
onto a glass table in a fit of panic induced by a nightmare about being
covered in spiders.
有蜘蛛恐惧症的蓝鸟外野手Glenallen Hill 1990年因作梦被蜘蛛追赶,造成恐慌摔下床
10. Randy Keisler, Yankees
After arthroscopic shoulder surgery, a demotion to the minors, and a tiff
with reporters, Randy Keisler's baseball luck ran out when he was bitten by a
pygmy rattlesnake in his backyard.
11. Oddibe McDowell, Rangers
Talk about a warm welcome! At the Rangers' annual welcome home luncheon,
Oddibe McDowell attempted to butter a roll, but, instead, sliced his right
hand. Welcome to the DL?
谈谈热诚的欢迎盛会! 在游骑兵年度主场欢迎盛宴上,中外野手Oddibe McDowell企图在
12. Akinori Otsuka, Padres
Who knew signing autographs could be more dangerous than the sport? Akinori
Otsuka was nailed by a flying bat while giving his John Hancock to fans
before a game.
有谁会晓得签名是比运动还危险的动作? 教士队的投手大冢晶则赛前将亲笔签名送给球迷
时, 却被一支飞来的球棒击中。
13. Oliver Perez, Pirates
Frustrated over his lack of pitching control, Perez chose to take his anger
out on the team's laundry bucket in the locker room. The laundry bucket won,
giving Perez a broken toe and a trip to the DL.
因控球不好感到挫折,海盗队的Oliver Perez选择把他的愤怒发在放在球员置物间内的
14. Kaz Sasaki, Mariners
The closer missed two months of the 2003 season due to rib injuries sustained
in a fall while hauling a suitcase up a flight of stairs in his home.
15. John Smoltz, Braves
The 1996 Cy Young Award-winner allegedly burned himself in 1990 by ironing a
shirt while he was still wearing it. Steamed by the story, Smoltz adamantly
denies the injury ever happened.
1996年赛扬奖的得主勇士队的John Smoltz 1990年烧伤了自己,据他自己陈叙是去烫一件
16. Sammy Sosa, Cubs
No wonder the wind blows out at Wrigley. This slugging outfielder missed a
2004 game with back spasms brought on by a hearty sneeze.
别怀疑Wringley的风很强。小熊队外野的长打者Sammy Sosa错失了一场2004年球季的比
赛, 原因是他痛快地打了个喷涕却引发背部抽痉。
17. Steve Sparks, Brewers
Milwaukee's knucklehead, er, knuckleballer dislocated his left shoulder while
trying to rip a phonebook in half at a motivational seminar hosted by the
team in 1994.
酿酒人队的蝴蝶白痴,咳咳咳,蝴蝶球投手Steve Spark1994年在一场球队举办的斗志激
18. John Tudor, Cardinals
Sitting quietly in the dugout, Cardinals ace John Tudor was pummeled by Mets
catcher Barry Lyons as he attempted to catch a foul ball. The ball stayed
foul, but Tudor's knee was shattered.
红雀队的王牌投手John Tudor没事坐在球员休息区,却被大都会的捕手Barry Lyons想要接
19. Joel Zumaya, Tigers
The fireballing reliever missed three games of the 2006 ALCS after developing
inflammation in his right wrist from playing the video game Guitar Hero.
Zumaya, who presumably does a killer version of Smoke on The Water, recovered
in time for the World Series.
老虎的火球后援投手Joel Zumaya玩电动吉他英雄玩得太火, 引发他右手腕发炎,而错失了
2006年美联冠军三场的系列赛。期间Zumaya想必是弹出杀手版的"Smoke on The Water"
20. Vince Coleman, Cardinals
Vince Coleman set a rookie record with 110 stolen bases for St. Louis in
1985, but he will forever be known as the "man who got swallowed by the
tarp." Relaxing on the Busch Stadium tarp path during that year's NLCS,
Coleman got caught underneath a mechanized tarp that was trying to cover the
field before Game 4. Coleman injured his knee and missed the rest of the