[英中] make the bearer all the more resolved

楼主: wealthyps (wealthyps)   2014-05-07 18:11:21
The pain may fade, but scars serve as a reminder of our suffering
and make the bearer all the more resolved never to be wounded again.
请问第二句make the bearer all the more resolved 该怎么翻比较好呢
※ 编辑: wealthyps (, 05/07/2014 18:14:57
作者: chingfen (疾风劲草)   2014-05-07 18:44:00
make the bearer, all the more resolved, ...拥有疤痕的人?
作者: tom91002 (皮皮)   2014-05-07 18:44:00
bearer在这里应该是people who have scars的意思
作者: zxcvforz (塔欧兹)   2014-05-07 18:58:00
bear the scar取伤疤为沉重的负担之喻意
作者: BigBreast (男人的坚持)   2014-05-07 19:13:00
resolved = determined 下定决心的
作者: BigBreast (男人的坚持)   2014-05-07 19:14:00
作者: BigBreast (男人的坚持)   2014-05-07 19:18:00
all the more是类似even more的副词
作者: kaifrankwind (大师兄)   2014-05-07 22:20:00

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