tom91002 (皮皮)
2014-05-06 01:35:52Simon: You like animal?
Jack: Ya, I like animal. I've got a dog who's supposed to be an assistance
dog to help me around the house. But he was so rubbish and we have to
retire him and now he just block my way.
S: I'm guessing here that Jack your dream is to be a singer.
J: Uh no, I'm not a singer. That would be dreadful for the nation if they
have had the misfortune to hear me sing. No, I'm a stand-up comedian.
S: What's direction you normally get? (←这句我实在听不懂)
J: One of despair.
J: Uh, I'm... you know as well maybe I would like to "?" go playing
this American counterpart the protagonist from the Mission Impossible
films. But then again, if it is impossible, don't attempt it, stay home!
Mission impropable! I mean I'm still not quite solved Mission "To The
Post Office." I mean, it's quite a long way, but I got a seat.