2010 Five questions: Oakland Athletics

楼主: DoMoe (Yippee-ki-yay)   2010-04-04 03:25:28
Five questions: Oakland Athletics
by Sal Baxamusa
March 22, 2010
What evil lurks in the heart of Beane this year? THT's five questions knows...
Q1. Great bullpen, or greatest bullpen?
Great performances on bad teams are rarely appreciated, so it would be a shame
if the A's bullpen were overlooked again this year.
The relief corps last year accounted for somewhere between six and seven wins,
by far the best in the majors (the Yankees were around five wins and everybody
else was less than four). For a team that stunk so badly last year, the bullpen
was truly outstanding. The core of the bullpen—Rookie of the Year Andrew
Bailey, Brad Ziegler, Craig Breslow, and Mike Wuertz—is returning this year,
and a post-Tommy John Joey Devine will be thrown into the mix. Nobody is
expecting these guys to put up a collective 3.35 FIP again, but these are some
seriously talented relievers. I'm not positive, but I'm fairly certain the A's
are projected to have the best bullpen in the American League, probably around
four and a half or five wins.
Bailey, Brad Ziegler, Craig Breslow,和Mike Wuertz今年通通到位,甚至开完TJ的
前终结者Joey Devine也会回归。奢求他们再次复制一次去年牛棚FIP 3.35的超人表现
They're a fun bunch, too. Bailey is the fire-breathing failed starter let loose
in the bullpen. Ziegler is the submarining deception artist. Breslow is the
intellectual. Wuertz is just some dude until he unleashes the best slider in
the majors. The A's have tons of questions in the rotation—Ben Sheets, Dallas
Braden and Justin Duchscherer are coming off major injuries—but if they can
get the game to the bullpen, this group will close it out.
If they're not all injured. Which, apparently, can happen very quickly—in one
day last week, Devine, Breslow, Wuertz and Bailey were all injured.
Devine, Breslow, Wuertz跟Bailey就全中标了...
Q2. Who's going to be your boy this year?
Every year, an Athletic is designated "my boy." When "my boy" does something
even marginally good, like reach base on an error, I run around the house
screaming "That's my boy!" It reconfirms to my wife that despite my advanced
degree, mature parenting, and calm-but-strong leadership of the househould, I
am actually a grade-A buffoon.
I've had some pretty embarassing choices in years past—Esteban Loaiza was a
disaster of the highest order—but I did well in choosing Braden and his 3.73
FIP last year. So which player will reduce me to sheer idiocy this year? This
year, I am going with Daric Barton. Did you know that Barton had laser eye
surgery and is being more selective at the plate? Why, it's almost as if he
were in the best shape of his life! There's no way he won't come on like
当然我也当过大仙——Esteban Loaiza就是我的代表作——但是我去年挑的布雷登
(FIP 3.73)就挺不赖的~所以,2010哪位宝贝将再度使我疯狂呢?
就决定是你了!Daric Barton!你们知道他动了眼睛雷射手术,选球也变得更精了吗?
Due to veteran deference, poor roster management, and perhaps a vain attempt at
contention, it's possible that the A's do something bizarre like platoon Eric
Chavez and Jake Fox at first base. That would be foolish, however, since it
would require optioning Barton back to Triple-A. With super-prospect Chris
Carter rocketing through the system, this is the year for the A's to see what
kind of hitter they have in Barton. If he's the .400 OBP/40 doubles machine
that everybody thought he was a few years ago, then maybe the A's have to see
if Carter can fake a passable left field. The likelihood that Barton is the
kind of player that forces a top-15 prospect into a position change is slim.
But it's worth finding out, since Carter-as-firstbaseman renders Barton wholly
Chavy/Jake Fox这种诡异的组合,而这么一来Barton就得丢到3A去,也太愚蠢了!
头号新秀Chris Carter即将登上大联盟,今年绿帽必须认真评估Barton是名怎样的打者,
如果Barton能成为几年前大家心目中的.400 OBP/40支2B制造机,绿帽就必须考虑Carter
的新秀改变守位的机率可说是微乎其微,不过尝试一下又何妨?反正“1B Carter”上来
Come on, Barton. You're my boy!
Q3. Shouldn't the A's have extended Miguel Tejada instead of Eric Chavez?
The next person who says the A's should have kept Miguel Tejada over Eric
Chavez is going to get a severe poke in the eye from yours truly. I am not
inclined to rehash that silly discussion. Nor am I in any mood to discuss in
detail the delicate interplay between Chavez's health and the A's 25-man roster.
It suffices to say that the A's stand to lose a useful player on waivers—maybe
Jake Fox, maybe Eric Patterson—if they include Chavez on the roster as a
utility infielder. Chavez is unlikely to contribute much with the bat or the
glove and he's going to get hurt soon anyway. What's best for the team is the
failed comeback of my favorite player. I find this position so untenable that I
prefer to ignore this ugly reality rather than confront it.
事实很明显:要是绿帽决定将Chavy定位为内野工具人,就必须冒着将Jake Fox或是
Eric Patterson两者其一丢到waiver的风险。Chavy棒子与手套的贡献显然有限,而且
失败...这事实真是太残酷太难堪了,我无法面对,I can't.
I'm not going expend emotional energy hoping for Beulah to reunite and stage a
comeback tour, but that doesn't mean that I can't still enjoy Emma Blowgun's
Last Stand. In the same vein, there's no harm in reflecting on Chavez's career.
他们的单曲"Emma Blowgun's Last Stand"。同理可证,缅怀一下Chavy过去灿烂的生涯
At the close of 2005 season, Chavez had picked up five consecutive Gold Gloves,
consistently hit for a 120-130 OPS+, and had missed significant time only due
to an injury sustained on a hit-by-pitch. With normal aging and reasonable
health, he would have finished his career as one of the top five position
players in Oakland history and even had an outside shot at the Hall of Fame.
2005球季结束时,Chavy连拿了五座金手套,持续贡献120-130 OPS+,只有一回触身受伤
Then, everything fell apart. His back, shoulder, butt and hamstrings all
exploded; superstar body parts were scattered all over the disabled list. There
was rehab and surgery and whispers of retirement. Chavez managed to keep things
together long enough to put together a nice 2006 season, but he has been an
unmitigated disaster since then. Chavez and his comebacks have turned into
something of a running gag, and while I can't fault the professional snark
peddlers, it's worth remembering just how good Chavez was when he was on. For
that bit of reminiscing, I turn to one of my favorite bloggers, erstwhile
proprietor of Catfish Stew Ken Arneson:
不过还是值得回想过去的他有多棒,这里我引用一位我最爱的部落客Ken Arneson的文:
The latest jaw-dropper took place last night. With one out, runners on
second and third, and Texas one run down, Chavez took a chopper near the
bag, and quickly tagged out Mark DeRosa trying to return to third base.
Now, I can't ever remember seeing a 5-unassisted at third base like that
before, but Chavez didn't stop there. After tagging out DeRosa, he jumped
over him into foul territory, planted his feet, and fired across the
diamond to throw out the batter, Ian Kinsler. Double play, inning over.
Mouth agape.
What can you say after a play like that? Only two words come to mind.
"Time machine"?
一分。Chavez在垒包旁接下一记强劲的反弹球,马上触杀了回垒不及的Mark DeRosa;
界外区,站稳脚步,对角长传一垒,火球触杀了打者Ian Kinsler,双杀,换边。
Q4. Is Ryan Sweeney better than Jacoby Ellsbury?
我们家的Ryan Sweeney有比红袜小帅哥好吗?
No, but it's closer than you think. Over the last two years, Ryan Sweeney has a
wOBA of .328 and .330. Jacoby Ellsbury of the Boston Red Sox is at .333 and
.354. But wait! Ellsbury plays in a great hitter's park; Sweeney, not so much.
Their park- and team-adjusted linear weights over the last two years, according
to Sean Smith's Baseball Projection, are 4.3 runs/700 PA for Sweeney and -3.3
runs/700 PA for Ellsbury. Put it all together and throw in some regression and
Ellsbury and Sweeney have similar values as hitters. Indeed, both the THT
forecasts and CHONE project them to be almost identical hitters in 2010.
因素以及球队线性加权代入这两年的数据,根据Sean Smith's Baseball Projection,
The defensive numbers say that Sweeney is slightly above average fielder in
center field and well above-average in the corners. The opinion on Ellsbury is
mixed; he's had stellar seasons and he's had awful seasons, depending on the
year and the defensive metric. Sweeney's got a good arm; Ellsbury doesn't.
Tango's Fan Scouting report suggests they are rough equals in the field. I buy
Ells则无。我采信Tango's Fan Scouting报告上说他们俩在防守上粗略相同的说法。
So Sweeney and Ellsbury are pretty much the same player, except for two
important differences. First, Ellsbury is massively better on the bases,
perhaps by as much as one win. This gives him additional value afield that
Sweeney will likely never match. Second—and I'll bet you'd never guess this—
Sweeney is a year-and-a-half younger than Ellsbury. I have this image in my
head as Ellsbury as some young buck, but he turned 26 last season. On the other
hand, Sweeney seems like a failed prospect trying to build a second life for
himself as a role player. He just turned 25.
That doesn't make Sweeney a better player than Ellsbury, nor am I suggesting
that he will be in the future. But Sweeney and Ellsbury are basically the same
player at the plate and in the field. And Sweeney's youth (and build—this guy
could sell jeans) suggests that he might have room to grow. His swing, which
was defnitely not built for power, doesn't make me optimistic, but he's still
just a kid.
He still has time.
So what was the point of my comparison? I'm not really sure. But you know what?
Ryan Sweeney is better than you think he is.
Q5. Will the A's make the playoffs?
It's possible, but they're far from the favorites. The AL West is going to be
close this year. Texas and Anaheim are probably 85-90 win teams, Seattle
between 83-88, and Oakland just a tick behind. That's close enough that
unexpectedly good performances—c'mon Barton, you're my boy!—and just plain
dumb luck can drag any team to the top. Oakland is an interesting case, though.
If the A's are playing well enough to challenge for the division—an unlikely
but not ridiculous hypothetical—there is a good chance that the team playing
down the stretch is not the team that is projected to be around .500 at this
Why? Because if the A's are contending late into the season, it will almost
certainly be because Sheets is healthy and ace-like, the only anxiety
surrounding Duchscherer is that of opposing batters, and players not on the
Opening Day roster are making key contributions. In other words, if the A's are
playing well late in the year, they will be a 85-90 win true talent team. To
some extent, this is true for many teams. But I imagine this effect is greater
for the A's given the injured pitchers with the potential for high-end
performance and the star prospects waiting in the minor leagues.
作者: Altair ( )   2010-04-04 04:06:00
签名档... 豆爷好威 XD
作者: ThomasHSNU (mimura *^^*)   2010-04-04 04:56:00
推..extend Tejada 那个应该是说当年长约应该绑Tejada
作者: ThomasHSNU (mimura *^^*)   2010-04-04 04:57:00
作者: kaku216   2010-04-04 07:40:00
作者: A1pha ([αλφα])   2010-04-04 11:33:00
作者: A1pha ([αλφα])   2010-04-04 11:42:00
Chavy那段后面没有双膝跪地啦XD Planted his feet是说站稳脚步
楼主: DoMoe (Yippee-ki-yay)   2010-04-04 12:59:00

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