※ 引述《elguapo (HPHT Synthesized)》之铭言:
: 楼主您可否再深入描述:
: ※ 引述《stmilk (我男的)》之铭言:
: : 刚开始前面100k没事
: 这是多少强度的 100k?(多少 %FTP or %HR)
: 平均踏频多少 rpm?
: : 可是后面只要有休息开始骑时脚会超级酸
: 可否清楚指出是那个位置在酸呢?
: : 虽然想过应该是冷掉重新启动身体的问题
: : 但就算轻踩每次都酸半小时左右效率很差
: : 自己平常有练最大心率84%~88%踩飞轮二十到三十分钟练排乳酸的能力
: : 但效果不好=_=
: 这个听起来应该是乳酸阀值(LTHR)测试,而不是训练。
: 乳酸耐受训练(Lactate Tolerance Reps)是类似高强度间歇:
: “This workout is to be done on a flat or slightly uphill course
: or into the wind. After a long warm-up and several jumps, do four
: to eight repetitions of 90 seconds to 2 minutes each. Intensity is
: zone 5c. Cadence is high. The total of all work intervals must not
: exceed 12 minutes. Recovery intervals are 2.5 times as long as the
: preceding work interval. For example, after a 2-minute rep, recover
: for 5 minutes. Build to this workout conservatively, starting with
: 6 minutes total and adding no more than 2 minutes weekly.
: Do this workout no more than once a week and recover for at least
: 48 hours afterward. If you are unable to achieve zone 5c after three
: attempts, stop the workout. Do not do this workout if you are in the
: first two years of training for cycling.”
: Excerpt From: Joe Friel. “The Cyclist's Training Bible.” iBooks.
: https://itun.es/us/SglpJ.l
: 中文简译: