※ 引述《secretfly (☠鬼灭·之喵喵)》之铭言:
: 来源书名:
: The Body Keeps the Score:Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma
: 作者:
: Bessel van der Kolk
: 作者经历:
: Bessel van der Kolk is a psychiatrist, author, researcher and educator based in
: Boston, USA. Since the 1970s his research has been in the area of post-
: traumatic stress. He is the author of the New York Times best seller, The
: BodyKeeps the Score.
: 段落句子:
Technology always produces new directions for research, and when it became
possible to do genetic testing, psychiatry became committed to finding the
genetic causes of mental illness.
: Finding a genetic link seemed particularly relevant for schizophrenia, a
: fairly common (affecting about 1 percent of the population), severe, and
: perplexing form of mental illness and one that clearly runs in families.
(schizophrenia 已正名为思觉失调症)
这会变成 seemed...只在形容/补充说明基因连结,而没有提到“找”这个动作?)
“思觉失调症是一种相当常见 (大约1%的人口受影响)、重度、
上列网址提到 runs in families 的疾病
: And yet after thirty years and millions upon millions of dollars’ worth of
: research, we have failed to find consistent genetic patterns for
: schizophrenia—or for anyother psychiatric illness, for that matter.
: 个人解读:
: 找到特定基因是与精神分裂有关的 一个比较常见(影响一趴人口) 严重的
: 复杂%[email protected]#[心理疾病 明显的在家庭中出现
: 问题:
: 红字那边无法理解
: 整篇这里是在讲说 精神学家要研究基因跟得病的关联 是否精神病是因为基因?
: 然后举例说 最常见的 结果拿精神分裂*(网络上查 焦虑症人口比例更多)*
: perplex在段落里面 无法理解
: 求指教
作者: sadlatte (伤心拿铁) 2020-12-02 22:26:00
不是相对多 是常见吧 以我的年代来说两个班就有一个 很常见啊 而且我觉得schizophrenia原意比较接近精神分裂啦所以用“正名”这两个字怪怪的...Runs in family不能直接解释为遗传 只能说常常在同一家族里面出现(这样的病症) runs in family的原因如原po所说可能是遗传或者环境甚至诅咒等等 中文只能配合前后文翻