※ 引述《fdshil (helen)》之铭言:
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: Intel on Wednesday announced the commercial availability of its long-awaited
: LTE modem targeted at smartphones and tablets - the first step in making it a
: credible challenger to dominant 4G chipmaker Qualcomm.
: 英特尔(Intel)于周三宣布,世人期盼已久的LTE调制解调器(modem)将针对智慧型手机及平
: 板电脑提供服务,促进民众的普及使用。此举可视为该公司为抢攻全球最大手机芯片制造
: 商高通(Qualcomm),并可和其相抗衡所跨出的第一步。
Intel ... announced ... the commercial availability of ... LTE modem [which
is] targeted at smartphones and tablets.
commercial availability 翻成"提供服务"不精确,建议"上市"
该公司...抢攻...高通 ???
dominant 4G chipmaker Qualcomm 怎么会翻成"全球最大手机芯片制造商"?
: This isn't Intel's first LTE silicon. It launched an LTE modem last year, but
: it was a bit of a one-trick pony, supporting 4G networking but none of the 3G
: and 2G technologies mobile devices need to fall back on when LTE is
: unavailable. The new XMM 7160 fills that gap, linking to not only 15 global
: LTE bands but also HSPA and GSM networks. It even supports new voice-over-LTE
: (VoLTE) services. The radio chip is already supplying the wireless
: connectivity inside of theEuropean and Asian editions of Samsung's Galaxy Tab
: 3 (which also happens to sport an Intel Atom processor), and starting today
: the modem will begin shipping worldwide to device makers.
: 早在去年,英特尔就推出首款LTE调制解调器,因此这并非其首次制造调制解调器芯片,但也未能
: 让人有耳目一新之感;虽然有支援4G网络,但在LTE技术尚未普及化之前,2G和3G网络并
: 不需要仰赖4G网络。英特尔最新XMM 7160芯片不仅可以连结到全球15个 LTE频段,同时还
: 支援GSM和HSPA网络,甚至也支援了LTE网络语音电话(voice-over-LTE)。支援欧亚频段
: 的三星平板电脑产品Galaxy Tab 3除了采用微型射频芯片(radio chip),同时也搭载英
: 特尔Atom芯片,提供无线连接的服务。即日起,LTE调制解调器将销往全球装置制造商的手中
: 。
"早在去年...耳目一新之感"你的翻法让人觉得是_今年_的LTE modem未能让人有耳目一新
完全看错。原文是 [last year's LTE modem] support[s] 4G networking but [not]
3G and 2G... [but] mobile devices need [3G and 2G] to fall back on, when LTE is
unavailable. = 旧款 LTE Modem 只有4G,没有2G和3G,但手机没有LTE网络时仍然需要
"the radio chip" 是指"本芯片" i.e. XMM7160, 而不是什半路杀出的"微型射频芯片"
"同时也搭载英特尔Atom芯片,提供无线连接的服务。" 让人看来好像无线连接服务需要
radio chip 跟 Intel Atom 一起才能运作,但原文只是顺便一提 Intel Atom。
: This also isn't Intel's first trip to mobile broadband rodeo. In the last
: decade it tried to spearhead WiMAX as the successor to 3G, but the initially
: promising technology failed to gain traction among global carriers. That sent
: Intel back to the drawing board. It bought Infineon back in 2010, making it
: an instant force in the 2G and 3G radio market, but it was still far behind
: Qualcomm when it came to LTE. Qualcomm modems powered the first LTE
: smartphones back in 2011, and it's been on a roll ever since.
: 英特尔并非首次加入行动宽带的战局,过去十年还曾带头力推WiMax上网技术,以取代 3G
: 技术。不过,曾经前途看好的WiMax技术,民众未必买单,使该公司需重新来过,从头开
: 始。英特尔于2010年买下英飞凌(Infineon)的无线部门,给2G与3G无线通讯市场投下一
: 枚震撼弹;尽管如此,英特尔在LTE方面的技术仍追赶不上高通。高通于2011年推出的首
^^^^^^太笼统 ^^^^^^^^
: 款LTE智慧型手机,在搭载调制解调器的加持下,自此便深受民众喜爱至今。
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^高通有在做手机吗 XD ^^^^^^^^^^^^又是民众,哪里来的
failed to gain traction among global carriers 无法获得国际电信业者支持
making it an instant force in ... 让 [Intel] 可立刻立足于 ...
Qualcomm modems powered the first LTE smartphones back in 2011 = 2011年首款
LTE 智慧手机上市时,靠的就是高通的 modem
: "Late", however, is a relative term, according to Aicha Evans, Intel VP of
: wireless. Qualcomm may have established early dominance, but Intel has
: basically built an LTE business from scratch since it acquired Infineon,
: Evans said. "We did in three and a half years what some couldn't do in seven
: years," Evans said.
: 然而,对英特尔无线部门副总裁艾万斯(Aicha Evans)而言,"晚一步"却有不同的解释
: 。高通或许先占了上风,但英特尔自收购英飞凌后,便重新拼创LTE事业。艾万斯表示:
: “别人花7年做不到的事,我们只花3年半就达成了!”