[活动] 达赖喇嘛与古老印度哲学及现代科学交流

楼主: cool810 (silence)   2016-04-29 08:32:03
2016年4月29日 星期五
尊者达赖喇嘛将参与 古老印度哲学及现代科学相互交流
地 点:印度.达兰萨拉
印度时间:上午 9:00am - 11:30am & 下午1:00pm - 3:30pm
台湾时间:上午 11:30am - 下午2:00pm &下午 3:30pm - 6:00pm
His Holiness the Dalai Lama will join in a one day discussion on "Interactive
Query in the Filed of Ancient Indian Philosophy and Modern Sciences" at his
residence in Dharamsala, HP, India on April 29, 2016.
All times Indian Standard Time (IST=GMT+5.30)
Time: 9:00am - 11:30am & 1:00pm - 3:30pm IST
Panelists (参加者)
1. His Holiness the Dalai Lama (尊者达赖喇嘛)
2. Dr Come Carpentier de Gourdon
COME CARPENTIER DE GOURDON is currently the Convener of the Editorial Board
of the WORLD AFFAIRS JOURNAL, a quarterly publication dedicated to
international issues, sponsored by the Kapur Surya Foundation (a co-sponsor
of the “World Public Forum for Dialogue of Civilisations”) New Delhi, India.
He shares his time between India, France, Italy and Switzerland. He has lived
and traveled in more than fifty countries on four continents.
He is also a consultant to Indfos Industries Ltd, a company founded and
chaired by the well known Indian philosopher, futurologist and engineer J.C.
Kapur, and continues to provide consulting services to various other
companies in India and Europe.
Some of Come Carpentier’s conclusions in this and other related fields are
quoted in the US-published book “EXOPOLITICS, How does one speak to a ball
of Light” by Paola Leopizzi Harris (2007) ( www.exopoliticsinstitute.org).
3. Prof C.K. Raju
Dr. Chandra Kant Raju (born March 7, 1954) born in Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh,
India is a computer scientist, mathematician, educator, physicist,and
polymath researcher.[1][2] He is affiliated with the Centre for Studies in
Civilizations in New Delhi.[3] Currently living in Malaysia, he occupies a
function as lecturer of History and philosophy of science at Albukhary
International University.
4. Prof Pierluigi Luisi
Pier Luigi Luisi (born 23 May 1938) is an Italian chemistry professor, who
has worked in Switzerland.
When he is not doing science, natural scientist Pier Luigi Luisi looks for
the purpose of life within the structure and function of life itself.[1] and
extrapolate life's purpose from the activities of living organisms. He
graduated in Pisa.[2] He holds the view the natural scientists should look
for the purpose of life within the structure and function of life itself.[1]
Luisi has suggested that the concepts of "purpose" offered by science are a
"mere mental construction" which depend on the social and religious
traditions of individuals in the scientific community.
“The "purpose" is a mere mental construction of the scientist observer, it
depends on his/her intelligence, on his race, religion, scientific beliefs.
This implies that the notion of purpose is not objective, but it is
contextual, changing in time and is probably different in different societies
and traditions and point of time.[1] ”
In 1985 Luisi founded[3] the "Cortona Week", an international,
multi-discipline conference that studies "Natural Sciences and the Wholeness
of Life".[4] Currently he is director of the Synthetic Biology and
Supramolecular Chemistry Laboratory and professor in the Biology Department
at the Roma Tre University.
5. Prof K. Ramasubramaniam
Prof. K. Ramasubramanian of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences,
has been conferred the Award of Maharshi Badarayan Vyas Samman in recognition
of his research. The award is given to young scholars of Sanskrit,Pali/Prakrit
, Arabic and Persian in the age group of 30 to 40 years, who have made a
breakthrough in the interdisciplinary studies involving contribution of these
languages or the ancient Indian wisdom, to the process of synergy between
modernity and tradition. The award carries a one-time cash award of Rs. 1.00
lakh along with a sanad and a shawl, which will be presented by the President
of India.

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