※ 引述《keins (Paragraph 11, confirm)》之铭言:
: ※ 引述《NYWang5566 (天尊战神王56震撼降临PTT)》之铭言:
: : 巡洋舰上搭载的巨砲 射程远 破坏力强 爆炸威力惊人
: : 借由舰上岸轰地面 收到的效果奇大无比
: : 岸上的野战砲 射程短 威力小
: : 主要是拿来阻击海军陆战队的抢滩 还有压制对方军队上岸用
: : 不可能打到战舰 巡洋舰之流
: 其实还是可能打得到,
: 而且有不少案例是拿原本的舰砲来当岸砲用,
: 射程与威力就是比照舰砲的水准了。
: 战舰级的大口径舰砲转岸砲时,
: 还会利用提高仰角、追加轻量增程弹等等的方式提高对船舰的威胁性。
要记得在二战美国的军舰是非常靠近岸边来进行岸轰, 而不是在最大
射程内避开岸砲, 首先要保证准确性所以不会误撃友军, 其次是引出
日军回火暴露岸砲的位置, 一个例子是USS科罗拉多在天宁岛的战斗.
3,200码的距离内她在15分钟被日本6寸原舰砲/岸砲击中22次. 照片:
驱逐舰的距离更近, 有时候甚至能让人用.45手枪来随意射击, 这当然意味着
驱逐舰也会被敌人小口径武器攻击, 但驱逐舰有处理这个问题的办法,
有一个美军驱逐舰火力控制员的故事, 他厌倦了看着一名日本军官拿他的
武士刀在海滩上吼叫, 所以
“From his perch in the gun director, Hagen spied a Japanese
officer on the beach, waving a saber, rallying his troops to the
fight, and thought, Why not? He put the officer in the sights
of his slewing device. The fire-control computer clicked and whirred
and zipped coordinates to the Johnston’s five main gun turrets.
When Hagen closed the firing key, they all barked as one. The
technology lived up to its brutal promise. The five-shell salvo
obliterated the man.
“Mr. Hagen, that was very good shooting,” called Captain Evans
from the bridge. “But in the future, try not to waste so much
ammunition on one individual.”
James D. Hornfischer. “The Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors.”