手边两种译文给你参考: Ames and Rosemont 所谓官方版: Learning without due reflection leads to perplexity; reflection without learning leads to perilous circumstances. David R. Schiller 的考证版: Studying the wisdom of the ancients and failing to reflect on its meaning is just bewildering; thinking things up and failing to study what the ancients have already thought through is extremely dangerous. ※ 引述《johdju88 (行动代号—皮卡丘☆)》之铭言: 学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆 Learning without thought means labour lost; thought without learning is perilo us.? 我是看到有人这样翻译 可是我觉得有点奇怪? To study and not think is a waste. To think and not study is dangerous. 这个版本也跟怪 罔是迷惘吧.... 殆应该是停止 不是危险吧 网络上感觉都是错误的资料 来请问专业 谢谢
第一段译文应该是来自苏格兰汉学家James Leggehttp://www.ishwar.com/confucianism/holy_confucian_analects/book_02.html翻译是否贴切见仁见智,但应该不是机翻至于殆,教育部重编国语辞典修订本的释义确有危险、不安之意第二段则来自日本武藏野大学美籍教授A. Charles Mullerwww.acmuller.net/con-dao/analects.html#div-3