2010 Five Questions: San Diego Padres

楼主: nolander (自己国家自己救)   2010-04-02 15:15:27
by Geoff Young
March 24, 2010
Petco Park has lost its new park smell, the Padres have lost many games, and
many fans have lost that loving feeling. There is a lot of work to be done in
San Diego, and overwhelming success isn't likely to occur in 2010.
Fortunately, between the new ownership group and some exciting young talent,
the Padres appear to be on the right track...even if it's a slow and
sometimes bumpy track.
去年Petco Park输掉了他的新球场味 教士队输掉了很多比赛 球迷们也输掉了对教士的爱
这地方需要很多改进 然而大跃进在今年眼看是莫可能
幸好新东家跟球队新血让这条改进之路看来没有脱轨 再颠簸 再漫长也应该能走到终点
How will Chase Headley respond now that he's back at third base?
Chase Headley拿回了先发三垒后能表现如何?
Miscast as a left fielder, the former top prospect finally gets the chance to
play every day at his natural position. By Headley's own admission, he was
never going to be anything more than an average outfielder. With the trade of
Kevin Kouzmanoff to Oakland, Headley returns to the hot corner, where the
hope is that with less to worry about defensively, he can focus more on his
hitting and become a force in the lineup.
将Kevin Kouzmanoff换去运动家之后 前顶尖作物终于能回到他本命的三垒
Headley本人也承认 他只可能是个平庸的左外
从左外回到三垒热区 守备压力减轻后Headley应该能为打线注入一股原力
Headley's first two full seasons in the big leagues have been solid, but
nothing special. His list of comparable players includes such luminaries as
Greg Briley, Leon Culbertson, Leon Roberts, and Willard Marshall. Part of the
problem is that Petco Park destroys Headley's game (.218/.305/.355 in 455 PA,
vs .301/.368/.437 in 546 PA on the road). Moving from left field to third
base won't change that, but now he can spend less time thinking about how to
avoid bumping into moving objects in the outfield and more time figuring out
ways to produce at home.
战神黑力的头两个完整球季稳定但不亮眼 别忘了他被期待长成
Greg Briley, Leon Culbertson, Leon Roberts, and Willard Marshall等级的高手
Petco是个痛苦的所在 黑力在客场表现大大压过主场
(.218/.305/.355 in 455 PA vs .301/.368/.437 in 546 PA on the road)
即使换守位Petco还是令人同样痛苦 但不用防撞的内野能让黑力专注在为球队增加建设性
The sample is tiny, but so far, Headley has hit a little better when playing
third base (.257/.348/.419 in 158 PA) than when playing left field
(.261/.331/.387 in 812 PA). I would love to point to some study showing that
players who shift positions magically transform into better hitters, but as
far as I know, that issue remains one of baseball's Hilbert problems. In what
promises to be a recurring theme, the Padres and their fans will have to
settle for hope.
(.257/.348/.419 in 158 PA vs.261/ .331/.387 in 812 PA)
但他都稳占三垒了 教士及球迷们只能乖乖期待神蹟~
How good can Mat Latos be, and when will it happen?
Mat Latos能有多好? 我们得等他多久?
He could be very, very good. It could happen tomorrow. It could never happen.
All of these statements are true, if somewhat less than helpful. On a more
practical level, Latos has upside that the Padres haven't seen in a young
pitcher since Jake Peavy first arrived. Latos works with a mid-90s fastball
and two advanced breaking balls. He is able to locate his pitches and has a
Latos also is young and inexperienced. His attitude has been questioned at
times, but the same can be said of many people in all walks of life who are
young and inexperienced.
他可以好到冒泡 也许明天爆发 又或者永远沉睡
这是废话但也是实话 实际点说 Latos是J. 皮维之后第一个这等级的强投
Latos很年轻 没经验 态度也欠佳 但每个成名强投也都这样过
Having pitched fewer than 200 professional innings before reaching the big
leagues, Latos remains a work-in-progress. Because he has options remaining
and some other pitchers who need to be evaluated (Sean Gallagher, Tim
Stauffer) do not, Latos could start the season at Triple-A Portland to buy
himself and the Padres a little time.
上MLB之前只在职业联盟投不到200局 Latos绝对还能长 由于他还有足够升降机会
从3A出发能让他好好长大 也顺便让没得升降的Sean Gallagher, Tim Stauffer努力看看
Wherever Latos starts the year, unless something goes horribly wrong, he
figures to end it in San Diego. He also figures to be a key member of the
next competitive Padres team. His stuff is top-shelf, but as Jeremy Bonderman
(and perhaps Rick Porcello) has shown us, making the transition from the low
minors to MLB isn't always easy.
除非见鬼了 从哪出发不该影响Latos在球季结束前站稳轮值
但看看Jeremy Bonderman 跟 (也许)Rick Porcello的前车之鉴
我们也不要抱太大希望 从Low A直升MLB没那么简单低
In his favor, Latos has posted terrific peripheral numbers (10.5 K/9, 4.6
K/BB) down on the farm. On the other hand, that's in the past and he needs to
show what he can do at the highest level on a consistent basis. My suspicion
is that he will succeed, but it's easy to be optimistic about things that
haven't happened yet.
以10.5的K/9 跟 4.6的K/BB看来 Latos是个顶尖高手 但这已经过去了
虽然担心他会不会成功 但还没发生的事情总是让人抱持希望
Can Randy Ready survive the season as hitting coach?
Randy Ready会不会成为打教坟场的悻存者?
Like morning fog and wagonloads of 'Zonies, firing the hitting coach is an
annual rite of summer in San Diego. But are coaches really to blame for the
Padres' offensive woes since moving into Petco Park before the 2004 season?
Well, in that time, the team has had one park and five hitting coaches, so
you tell me which is the constant:
如同朝雾和一车车的'Zonies一样 火打教已成为教士的夏季盛事
(译按:Zonie指每年跑到SD海边冲浪的Arizona人 SD人非常讨厌他们 出没季节只在夏天)
但打教们真的是教士打线问题的重点吗? 换到Petco之后这支球队用过5个打教
* Dave Magadan: 2003 - June 15, 2006
* Merv Rettenmund: June 16, 2006 - July 31, 2007
* Wally Joyner (he resigned, but still): August 1, 2007 - September 22, 2008
* Jim Lefebvre: November 3, 2008 - July 31, 2009
* Randy Ready: August 1, 2009 - ??
Here's how the Padres have performed under each of these men:
Overall | Home | Road
Magadan* .263 .335 .401 | .251 .326 .376 | .275 .344 .424
Rettenmund .256 .325 .410 | .242 .315 .388 | .267 .333 .429
Joyner .254 .323 .407 | .242 .319 .380 | .265 .328 .432
Lefebvre .235 .311 .375 | .213 .306 .340 | .254 .316 .407
Ready .257 .338 .391 | .228 .324 .346 | .282 .350 .431
*Petco Park years only
Granted, there are varying sample sizes, but it can't be comforting to
realize that each individual charged with getting Padres hitters to produce
in their home ballpark has done a worse job than his predecessor. In
retrospect, axing Magadan may not have been such a great idea (word is, he's
since experienced a little success in Boston, which by some strange
coincidence has a park that is conducive to offense).
But what's done is done, and now the Padres have Ready, who benefits from the
fact that presumably there isn't much further to fall. He also gets to work
with Kyle Blanks, whose power plays anywhere and who figures to make any
hitting coach look good.
As for whether Ready can last an entire season, that depends on a number of
factors. Actually, it depends on one factor. At some point, the Padres must
accept that Petco Park, where they play half their games every year,
suppresses offense something fierce.
I have no doubt that on a certain level, they are very much aware of this. At
the same time, when different coaches continue to yield similar results,
perhaps it's time to look elsewhere for answers. Superior on-field talent is
a good place to start.
尽管样本数不一样多 但看这样的数据实在令人不舒服
现在看来砍掉Magadan不是个好主意 (他曾在Boston表现还行 但那很巧的是个打者天堂)
既然木已成舟 这条打线也不能更烂了 就让我们期待Ready的表现吧
他至少拥有Kyle Blanks的强大炮瓦能让数据像样一点
总之Ready能不能撑过夏天还是得看几个因素 事实上只有一个 (译按:大概是看输几场吧)
我确定球团在某程度上知道这状况 当打教们表现都一样烂时
他们也许该换个方式试试 选秀选野手(译按:也就是指打击)会是个不错的开始
Which of the young players is likely to emerge this year?
Blanks and Latos are the obvious choices. Although they are the best
long-term bets, each comes with risk. Blanks is playing out of position and
battled injury problems toward the end of his rookie season. Latos has very
little professional experience under his belt.
Blanks跟Latos明显有机会 长期来说他们是好投资但也各有风险
Everth Cabrera? You know what I think about him, but this is a kid who
skipped three levels last year. He's got a lot of talent, but also a lot to
learn. Who knows when he'll put it all together?
Everth Cabrera? 你知道我怎么想他的 (译按:作者大概不看好他吧)
但这小子去年跳了三级 (译按:从A到MLB!!) 无疑地很有天份但也还有得长
The guys I'm looking at to emerge in 2010 are Headley and Will Venable. We've
already discussed the former. As for Venable, because he's already 27 years
old and still not established at the big-league level, he often gets
overlooked or dismissed. For example, our own THT Forecasts put him at
.241/.298/.379 this year. I think he'll beat that OPS by 100 points if he
gets regular playing time (which he should).
我认为一定会跳出的是黑力跟Will Venable 黑力前面讲过了
而Venable27岁却还没能站稳MLB 让大家都忘了他的存在
我们家THT Forecasts预测今年他只能打出.241/.298/.379
前提是教练不脑残 有给他稳定出场机会
Venable won't be a star, but he is a gifted athlete (he was a standout
basketball player at Princeton, which helps explain his late development) who
has usable baseball skills and he's ready now. Former Padres Vice President
of Scouting and Player Development Grady Fuson is quoted as saying he thought
Venable would be a better big leaguer than minor leaguer, and I'm inclined to
Venable不会是个明星 但他是个有天份的运动员且具备有用的棒球技术 现在准备好了
(大学时的他在普林斯顿是个杰出的篮球选手 这也解释了他的棒球生涯的慢熟)
前教士球探部副总裁Grady Fuson曾说Venable会在MLB表现超出小联盟的自己
What are the new owners doing? Will they increase payroll at some point, and
can they restore fan interest in San Diego?
新东家在干麻? 他们会不会提高薪资呢? 他们能不能找回球迷的爱?
The new owners have made a concerted effort to win fans back by reaching out
to them in ways that previous ownership seldom did. For all that John Moores
accomplished while running the Padres (World Series in '98, Petco Park), he
had become decreasingly visible in recent years. This aloofness did not sit
well with San Diegans, who wanted a more active owner that at least gave the
impression of caring about his ballclub. Add in a messy divorce, and voila:
ugly situation.
前老板John Moores拿到98年世界冠军门票跟弄了Petco后就基本上消失了
这个不在乎的态度让SD人不太开心 何况他后来还搞了个惨烈的离婚与糗毙了的财务状况
Jeff Moorad and President and COO Tom Garfinkel have come in and expressed a
commitment to the organization, the fans, and the city. They have made
themselves available to the people and demonstrated a willingness to listen
and improve where possible.
Jeff Moorad and President and COO Tom Garfinkel (译按:大概是新老板跟经营者吧?)
出现并展现出诚意 至少他们愿意听取球迷心声 且试着让球队进步
The previous regime had trouble with that aspect of the job. Sandy Alderson,
as brilliant a baseball mind as you'll find, showed little patience for
details that didn't affect the bottom line. He and his group succeeded in
many areas, but never really connected with a fan base that sought a kinder,
gentler leader. San Diegans wanted to be addressed as equals in a
partnership, not as subjects of an oligarchy. That was not the style of
Moores and Alderson, and one got the sense toward the end that ownership and
fans regarded each other as necessary inconveniences.
前经营者有倾听困难 Sandy Alderson是个聪明的棒球人 经营球队在各方面都取得成果
只可惜没有拉近跟球迷的距离 SD人不要当被统治的国民 而想当合伙人
但Moores跟Alderson没有这想法 等到卖球队前一刻才懂经营跟球迷互相扶持是必要之重
The new ownership group has made strides in restoring hope among
disillusioned fans. Moorad and Garfinkel have talked a good game, but talk
must be backed up by action. They have taken some small steps in that
direction: lowering the price of beer, changing the start time of weekday
afternoon games, and other cosmetic changes that may not make a difference to
the bottom line but that tell San Diegans, "Hey, we're listening and we're
trying to improve your experience."
新团队给了失去梦想的球迷希望 Moorad and Garfinkel 构筑了好比赛的梦
这个梦必须靠实际行动踏实 目前的步伐虽小但方向正确
降低啤酒价格 更改周间比赛开始时间 以及一些粉饰的调整在在向球迷表达一件事:
"嘿 我们有在听而且我们想让你们比赛看得更爽快"
Are such steps necessary? A quick check of the proverbial scoreboard is
这些努力重要吗? 来看一下进场数据怎么说:
Year Attendance Att/G
2004 3,016,752 37,244
2005 2,869,787 35,429
2006 2,659,757 32,837
2007 2,790,074 34,445
2008 2,427,535 29,970
2009 1,919,603 23,699
In six short years at their beautiful new downtown ballpark, the Padres have
seen attendance plummet from a franchise high to lows last experienced in the
wake of Tom Werner's Infamous Fire Sale and the subsequent labor dispute that
ruined everyone's plans. At that time, when the threat of contraction was Bud
Selig's weapon of choice, the Padres were mentioned as a possible candidate.
六年来在美丽的市区球场Petco 教士们惊觉球迷进场数暴跌
这个跌幅是前前东家Tom Werner的跳楼大拍卖与MLB劳资纠纷以来仅见
那时Bug Selig甚至想过用教士的契约来威胁球员们...
If some of us get a little nervous when fan interest wanes around these
parts, it's only because we don't want to see our team moved elsewhere. Not
that this appears to be an immediate concern, but after a very close call in
1974 and vague threats in the mid-'90s (to say nothing of what Selig did to
the Montreal Expos), it's not as far in the back of our minds as we'd like it
to be.
即使我们担心球迷的爱会因此消逝 那是因为我们不想让球队离开SD
也不是说这是个直接的危机 但1974殷鉴不远 90年代的含混威胁也还忘不了
(Selig怎么对付博览会的...我都无言了) 那个风险也还没远到我们希望的程度
Sure, there are reasons for the plunge in attendance: The team has been bad
the past couple of years, previous ownership didn't make nice when things
were good, the economy stinks, people stop caring about a shiny new ballpark
when they have other shiny new objects to distract them, etc. That said,
there is no way to spin the numbers in a way that makes them look anything
other than alarming.
当然入场数锐减有很多原因 这球队最近很鸟 前东家没趁之前状况好多开发球迷
经济状况烂爆了 当被别的闪亮东西分心时 闪亮亮的新球场不再能吸引目光
(译按:也就是说有明星能赢球才是王道 球场不重要)
As for payroll, it's going to be low for a while. On the bright side, several
franchises have demonstrated that it's possible to field a competitive
ballclub despite financial limitations. On the not-so-bright side, many fans
regard this fact as propaganda and aren't interested in hearing about it.
What can you do?
至于薪资的部分 看来短期内是高不起来 往好处想:起码有球队低薪资也有竞争力
Bonus question: How much longer will Adrian Gonzalez remain with the Padres?
Not much longer. Enjoy him while you can and hope he brings something good in
return when the time comes.
没多久了 享受他还在的时间 并期待时候到来他能换来一些年轻肉体吧
这篇真的超级难翻 比起上篇(红袜那篇) 大概花了四倍的时间吧...
典故多 形容词多 句子长 又爱用比喻...
数据多 但实际上对现役先发根本没提几个字
作者: sinrong (─═╤╧︻▄& ㄧζ~ㄑ﹫)   2010-04-02 15:18:00
推~ 最后的我瞎了..
楼主: nolander (自己国家自己救)   2010-04-02 15:24:00
对了 我忘记说 中间的黎曼猜想是我自己改的 原文意我查过
楼主: nolander (自己国家自己救)   2010-04-02 15:25:00
那个典故我没听过 所以用比较大众化的代替 黎曼猜想是原文典故的一部分 所以也不算错啦~~
作者: KOSHON (我在,故我思。)   2010-04-02 15:26:00
LF到3B 守备压力不是变重吗
作者: KOSHON (我在,故我思。)   2010-04-02 15:27:00
楼主: nolander (自己国家自己救)   2010-04-02 15:27:00
楼主: nolander (自己国家自己救)   2010-04-02 15:28:00
作者: KOSHON (我在,故我思。)   2010-04-02 15:29:00
楼主: nolander (自己国家自己救)   2010-04-02 15:34:00
不不 是我没翻清楚 但实在也不知道怎么改才好了Orz
作者: edison321 (我偏要动几动)   2010-04-02 16:32:00
楼主: nolander (自己国家自己救)   2010-04-02 16:36:00
阿 抱歉 我漏看了你的推文 你愿意翻的话 我可以删掉@@
作者: edison321 (我偏要动几动)   2010-04-02 19:59:00
哈~没关系啦XD 还是感谢翻译啊!
作者: archerdino (骑不快也骑不远)   2010-04-02 23:16:00
Headley原来的守备位置就是3B 之前是卡了Kouz在那边所以他才移到LF 对他来说回去3B让他可以更专注在比赛上
作者: gbpacker (绿湾包装工!!!)   2010-04-04 12:45:00
作者: gbpacker (绿湾包装工!!!)   2010-04-04 12:51:00

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