2010 Five questions: Washington Nationals

楼主: watertip (watertip)   2010-04-02 00:30:49
缩网址: http://ppt.cc/DW-F
The bright side about being a Nats fan is that after this last year—from
"Natinals" to the GM resigning in disgrace to, well, the terrible record—
things have to be looking up. And with Stephen Strasburg looming, they almost
certainly are.
So that leads us to...
1. What's going to happen to Stephen Strasburg this season?
The Nats have announced—rightly—that their phenom is going to begin the
year in the minors. If you're a lucky fan of the Altoona Curve, you'll be
able to catch his first minor league start on April 11.
Altoona Curve的球迷,那你可以在4/11看到他小联盟的第一次先发。
Was sending him down the right decision? Almost certainly. Does it kind of
stink for Nats' fans? Sort of.
He was the team's best pitcher in the spring. He's clearly got the stuff to
hang with major league batters. Despite that, there's a legitimate argument
to be made that sending him down to work on a few things would be beneficial.
But we all know it's the off-the-field stuff that's driving this. First,
keeping him down a few weeks gives the team an extra year of control. It's
far better to have a fully developed Strasburg in 2016 than a still-learning
one toiling for a should-be last-place team in 2010. Second, it's about the
While the contract that Strasburg signed reduces the temptation for the team
to game the system a bit, keeping him down still means millions more saved in
the future. As the Washington Post's Dave Sheinin lays out, keeping him down
is the difference between three years of arbitration salaries or four.
Translation: it could mean a minimum of $15 million for the Nats.
还是能为球团在未来省下几百万美金。Washington Post 的 Dave Sheinin 推算过,
So Strasburg's not likely to make the majors until June, and Nats fans are
getting excited, even the casual ones waiting around for the team to just do
something interesting.
In the end, Strasburg will likely get 15 or so starts in the majors. And if
he's anything less than 15-0 with 165 strikeouts, it'll be a major
2. Is Ryan Zimmerman really a superstar?
Zimmerman 真的是超级巨星吗?
Last year, you could've made an argument that Ryan Zimmerman was an MVP
contender. Sure, he wasn't really Pujols, but without straining yourself, you
could've made an argument that he was the next best player in the National
League. The shorthand version of that argument: his Silver Slugger and Gold
Glove. Few players in the game put up such great numbers at both facets of
the game.
Defensively, there probably aren't any third basemen with better instincts
and range. The only knock on him defensively is his errors. When he has too
much time, he tends to take an extra look at the ball, throwing off his
timing: his footwork goes astray, and the ball whips past the first baseman
for an error. If he could halve those throwing errors, he'd simply be the
But it's the bat that took a huge step forward. And whenever that happens,
everyone runs to BABIP to explain it. Not in this case. His .310 is right in
line with his career numbers. What improved was his eye and his health.
He bested his career high in walks by 11, and his overall rate crept up to
10.4 percent. We'll chalk that up to Adam Dunn's influence.
But it's really his health that made the biggest difference. He was coming
off seasons ruined by a frayed shoulder and a hamate bone removal. Both
likely affected his swing, especially his power. With rest and rehab, he
finally showed what he was capable of.
Maybe expecting a pure repeat of last year's offensive performance isn't
realistic. But even if he drops a few ticks in slugging, he's still among the
most valuable players in the league.
打击方面则有惊人的进步,一般上人们喜欢用 BABIP 来解释,不过这不适用在他
身上。 .310的打击率与生涯水准差不多,真正造成进步的原因是视力跟健康。
可以归因于 Dunn 的影响吧。
去年的表现才是真正 Zimmerman 的水准。
3. What does the bullpen look like?
One of the reasons last year's Nats did so terribly compared to their
Pythagorean record was their terrible bullpen.
用 Pythagorean record 来看得失分的比例,我们大概可以知道去年那令人崩溃
After starting out 0-7, the Nats won one before starting a three-game series
with the Marlins.
Game one: Joel Hanrahan gives up a homer in the ninth that tied the game at
two before Saul Rivera gave up an RBI single in the 10th in a 3-2 loss.
Game two: Hanrahan gave up three runs in the ninth, including two on a Jeremy
Hermida homer, (he later hit a three-run bomb) on the way to a 9-6 loss.
Game three: Rivera, who had failed in the first game, tried for the one-run
save, instead giving up an RBI double followed by a bases-clearing double in
what turned into a 7-4 loss.
Three games, three blown saves. That was a microcosm. But it wasn't quite
rock bottom, because the Nats' pitchers kept finding new and interesting ways
to lose.
开季壮烈的7连败后,总算在对上 Marlins 的三连战前止败,让我们瞧瞧这三场:
Game 1: Hanrahan在第九局被击出追平比数全垒打,Saul Rivera 接着在第10局被
Game 2: Hanrahan在第九局又送出3分,包括Hermida的两分全垒打(他后来又干了
Game 3: 第一场BS的 Rivera ,在一分差的情况下上场。这次是先送上1分打点的
So the Nats kicked most of those stiffs out, and they're coming into 2010
with a bullpen led by Matt Capps, he of the 5.80 ERA and 4.90 FIP, Sean
Burnett, he of the -0.1 WAR, and Brian Bruney, he of the career 6.22 BB/9.
Cherry-picking, of course. But the larger point remains. These guys aren't
very good.
But even not very good is going to be better than last year. Even if you
don't like ERA, especially in evaluating relievers, the 5.09 bullpen ERA or
the 5.71 ERA in save situations paints a thorough enough picture.
可以想见的是这些家伙几乎都被扫地出门了,瞧瞧今年吧!Matt Capps,5.80 ERA
以及 4.90 FIP;Sean Burnett,有着WAR -0.1 的成绩;Brian Bruney,生涯平均
据,如何的讨厌用ERA来评价后援投手,牛棚平均 ERA 5.09,或是领先时上场救援
那高达 5.71 的 ERA,这已经说明了一切...
Along with a change in arms, a change in management might help here. Manny
Acta never really seemed to grasp how to use the guys he had. Notably, on
opening day last year, he brought Rivera in to face Ryan Howard, even with at
least two lefties sitting in the pen. His explanation? Saul was his "seventh
inning guy." A big homer later, and the game was over.
While there wasn't much talent to mine from those arms, Acta consistently
seemed to find ways to use the talent in the worst possible way.
So while Capps, Bruney and Burnett aren't going to make anyone miss the Nasty
Boys, there's hope for some marginal improvement here.
随着换上新鲜的手臂,换换教练的脑袋可能更有用。Manny Acta 好像从来都不知道
也硬是让 Rivera 去面对 Ryan Howard。对此,他的解释是 "左手的 Saul 是投第七
局的啦~" 结局就是目送著球飞出全垒打墙外,含恨输球。
这些牛棚新兵中,笔者认为都不是什么好货色,不过让我们看看神奇的 Acta 还能想
Capps, Bruney 和 Burnett 应该都不会有什么好表现,不过进步个一咪咪总是可以
4. How loud will the clanks off Adam Dunn's glove be?
Adam Dunn 的守备到底行不行?
The guy that everyone wants to be a DH has found a home at first base.
大家都想要他去当 DH ,不过他好像当一垒手当上瘾了。
We know he's not going to be a great first baseman, but everyone likes to
point at his terrible UZR numbers (-25 per 150 games last year) to say he's
the next Dick Stuart. Maybe he is. Maybe he isn't. But half a season's worth
of UZR, even when combined with fractions of seasons before it aren't really
enough to tell.
Piecing together those partial seasons and drawing a conclusion from them
makes no more sense than picking out a batter's statline in April and August
and drawing conclusions from that.
我们都知道他不是个好的一垒手,大家喜欢批评他那糟糕的 UZR 守备数据 (在150
场比赛中多丢掉25分),还说他将是下一个 Dick Stuart,或许吧!不过只有半季,
Nats fans have seen some truly horrid first base defense, including a
morbidly obese Dmitri Young and a short-armed Ronnie Belliard. Anyone who
watched Dunn regularly at first didn't see someone as terrible as those guys.
Dunn's not going to have great range, but he's a great target. With his size,
if he can figure out the footwork around the bag, he'll cut down on bad
throws, something that's not necessarily captured by UZR. I have zero belief
that he'll be a good first baseman, but it's hard to believe that someone
with his size and athleticism would be the absolute worst in the league.
If he shows he's only costing the team five to 10 runs at first, he's a
valuable player.
不过国民队的球迷应该真的觉得一垒的守备很抖,尤其是几乎病态肥胖的 Dmitri
Young 及手短的Ronnie Belliard。而在 Dunn 守备的时候,至少球迷可以比上面那
Dunn 的守备范围不会再进步了,不过他的身体倒是不错的档球工具。看那巨大的身
如果他能证明他站一垒最多只会让球队多失去5~10分,那 Dunn 就很有价值了。
5. How important is a good showing this season?
With everything that's gone on to this team—much of it self-inflicted—the
answer is "very." Nobody's expecting a pennant winner, or even really a .500
team. But they absolutely cannot afford to have another 100-loss team. There
are plenty of casual baseball fans who just want to cheer for a decent team,
but they've had absolutely nothing to root for, at least since September '05.
The Washington Capitals are Cup contenders. The Washington Redskins are
always the dominant force in town, and after a few years of futility, they
finally have adults in place making football decisions. There's a lot of
competition for the sports dollar and rooting time. And so far, the Nats have
given no reason for most people to care.
Washington Capitals是史坦利杯的夺冠热门队伍,Washington Redskins也是美式
75 wins isn't going to make anyone stand and cheer. But it would be a step
forward. They could go into the off-season, talking about the 15-win
improvement they had. They could point to Ryan Zimmerman, Stephen Strasburg,
John Lannan, Drew Storen and Jordan Zimmermann as the core of a potential
championship contender
楼主: watertip (watertip)   2010-04-02 00:34:00
有请版上前辈给予指教 有些地方可能不够通顺
楼主: watertip (watertip)   2010-04-02 00:35:00
作者: loloool (小血)   2010-04-02 00:37:00
6.Will Wang come back?(看来葛格不是Question mark XD)
楼主: watertip (watertip)   2010-04-02 00:38:00
作者: sycstyle   2010-04-02 01:05:00
作者: oopsmamamiya ((˙(∞)˙))   2010-04-02 01:25:00
作者: s9527206 (悠)   2010-04-02 01:25:00
作者: s9527206 (悠)   2010-04-02 01:31:00
作者: s9527206 (悠)   2010-04-02 01:32:00
队,因此签下 Marquis 的动作让这些球迷不以为然甚至嘲讽
作者: s9527206 (悠)   2010-04-02 01:33:00
作者: s9527206 (悠)   2010-04-02 01:34:00
作者: s9527206 (悠)   2010-04-02 01:36:00
作者: s9527206 (悠)   2010-04-02 01:37:00
作者: s9527206 (悠)   2010-04-02 01:39:00
楼主: watertip (watertip)   2010-04-02 01:41:00
对耶! 语意完全相反 但句子看起来没有什么错误自己看了都觉得神奇...明天再来想怎么改
作者: Sechslee (キタ━━(゚∀゚)━━!!)   2010-04-02 12:15:00
作者: kaku216   2010-04-02 19:00:00

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