[翻译] Yankee's Top 25 Prospects 《上》

楼主: darksign (离云)   2009-11-13 06:53:50
原文是TOP 50啦,不过我在洋基板看的,就只拿了有叙述的25。
后面越翻越简略,那是正常的,因为发现文章比想像中长啊 囧
Scout.com: Top 50 Yankees Prospects
1.Jesus Montero - Big-bodied and strong, Montero led the Yankees farm system
in batting average for the second straight year, hitting .337 with 17 home
runs after hitting .326 in Charleston the yearbefore. His defensive game
remains a work in progress, but critics continue to overlook the fact that
he not only provides plus offensive potential at a normally weak hitting
position, but he does have a strong arm and he provides a big target behind
the plate, and offensively he's ready for the big leagues right now.
很壮很大只,Montero连续第二年蝉联洋基农场打击率第一,继去年在Charleston的.326之后,打出了 .337和17只HR的成绩。
2.Austin Jackson - There are players with better tools ranked below Jackson,
but few offer the same reliability in their projections. The pundits get down
on his lack of home run power right now, but they fail to acknowledge
the progress with his approach and that has put his power development on the
back burner. He upped his batting average from .285 in 2008 to an even .300
this year and he continued to become a lot more consistent both in his
offensive approach and defensive work. He still needs more seasoning at
Triple-A,but Jackson offers a great combination of upside and proximity to
the big leagues.
今年的打击率从去年的 .285进步到 .300,他在打击和防守的表现都渐趋稳定。他在3A需要更多时间,但是A-Jax已经离大联盟不远了。
3.Austin Romine - The 2009 Florida State League Hitter of
the Year batted .276 with 13 home runs in the pitching friendly league
and saw his slugging percentage increase from the year before. But
while the offense is stellar at the catcher's position, it was the
great strides he took behind the plate that were more noticeable. Once
a less than reliable receiver, he is now as consistent as the come in
that department and he's a much better two-way threat at catcher.
在Florida State League拿到Hitter of the year,成绩是 .276和13HR。要注意的是这样的成绩是在一个对投手占优势的League打出来的。
4.Manny Banuelos - All the 18-year old Mexican lefty did
this year was go 9-5 with a 2.67 ERA as one of the youngest pitchers in
the South Atlantic League, and he did it while not having one of his
better pitches working for most of the season. He offers three plus
pitches, including a fastball that topped out at 96 MPH this year, and
he pitches like he's much older. Now that he has the plus curveball
working consistently, he could fly up through the minors.
这位十八岁的墨西哥左投今年没什么,只不过是以在South Atlantic League最年轻的投手之一的身分,投出了 9-5 跟 ERA2.67的成绩而已。(而且还是在他比较擅长的一种球路不太灵光的情况下达成的)
他有三个plus pitch,快速球最高到达过96MPH,投球感觉起来比他实际年龄老(快查年龄!囧)。现在他的plus curve回来了,他应该会在小联盟里面一升再升。
5.Arodys Vizcaino - The Dominican right-hander is as
electric as they come on the mound. While his stats were good [posting
a 2.13 ERA and a better than a strikeout per inning in the NY Penn
League], they pale in comparison to just how good his stuff
is. He was sitting 94-96 MPH with his fastball late in the season,
showing the great plus curveball, and his changeup continues to get
better. If he could develop his changeup into a consistent plus pitch,
he too could race through the minor leagues.
速球在球季的末端还有稳定的94-96 MPH,plus curve,变化球越来越好。如果他可以把他的变化球也练成plus pitch的话,他在小联盟里面应该会升的很快。
6.Andrew Brackman - Some won't be able to look past the ugly
overall numbers this season - 2-12, 5.91 ERA, and 26 wild pitches - but
by season's end he started looking like a big league pitcher. The Yankees
moved him to the bullpen and took away his changeup so he could just
focus on his mechanics and the end result was a complete 180 degree
turnaround in his ability to throw strikes. He now has repeatable
mechanics, an ability to pound the zone with strikes, and two big-time
plus pitches in his fastball and curveball. It's not out of the realm
of possibility that he could be a viable big league bullpen option as
soon as next season.
成绩很糟糕,2-12、5.91 ERA,还有26个wild pitch。但是在球季的末端他感觉就快要像一个大联盟的投手了。
他现在有个可以重复的投球机制,而且可以不断的投好球。而且有非常棒的fast ball 跟 curve。他最快或许明年
(so soon?)
7.Slade Heathcott - The Texas High School outfielder was just drafted this
year but few prospects contain his unique set of tools. A real good football
player as well,he is a physical specimen who has both power and speed to his
game, not to mention one of the better arms too. He projects to be a five-
tool standout in centerfield, but he also can throw 95 MPH from the mound
with a plus curveball if things don't work out for some reason offensively.
他可以是五拍子选手,但是如果他的打击不振,他至少还有他的95mph fastball和他的 plus curveball...
8.Corban Joseph - Stat-heads will look at his overall numbers and come away
somewhat impressed, but perhaps not Top Ten impressed. The fact of the matter
is that between his time in Extended Spring Training and the South Atlantic
League, he hit way over.300 with eight home runs in his first full
professional season. Most scouts agree, however, that there's a lot more
power to come and with his plate discipline that could make him a rare
offensive player at second base.
但是事实上就是,在他的延长春训和south Atlantic League的季赛中,他打出了远超过 .300的成绩和8 HR,这些都来自他的第一个职业球季。
9.Gary Sanchez - The 16-year old Dominican player has yet to play an official
minor league game but there's no doubting his skillset. He has power
potential comparable to Montero and defensive abilities comparable to Romine,
but if that weren't enough, his overall offensive game is further advanced
than Montero's at a similar stage in their careers. That alone warrants a
Top Ten ranking already.
除此之外,他的打击能力比十六算的Montero还要好。光是这点就足以把他放进top ten了。
10.J.R.Murphy - Like Sanchez, Murphy gives the Yankees another catching
prospect with plus offensive potential. His defensive game isn't as far
along, however, but few offer his baseball acumen and advanced hitting
approach. The prevailing thought inside the organization is that Murphy
could be Corban Joseph-like offensively and he can do it at the catcher's
一般来讲球团的看法是,他可以用捕手的身分打出Corban Joseph的成绩。
11.Christian Garcia - Another year, another set of injuries for
the ultra-talented right-hander. He has everything anyone would want in
a pitcher except an ability to remain healtra他发展出了一个plus curve,而且changeup也在进步中。他的sinker也很特别,而且他的command也不错。
15.Jose Ramirez - The 19-year old gets overlooked by many
because he wasn't a big-money International free agent. That's a shame
too because he has one of the more electric arms at the minor league
level. Like Vizcaino and Stoneburner, Ramirez can generate plus power
with very little effort. He too was sitting 94-96 MPH at the end of the
season and he has a plus changeup in his arsensal. He throws a ton of
strikes too. His curveball is lacking right now, but he can spin the
baseball. If he can develop that into a consistent third plus pitch,
he'll break into the Top Ten prospects in a hurry. His arm is special.
但是他有非常好的投球机制,94-96mph的速球投的很轻松,而且有一个plus changeup。
非常会投好球,curve不太好,但是球还是很会转。如果他可以把curve进化成plus pitch的话,他很快就会进入top ten的。
作者: mixmixmix45 (Do my best 当成信念)   2008-01-13 07:03:00
楼主: darksign (离云)   2008-01-13 07:11:00
作者: albertjet (竹林八闲)   2008-01-13 15:41:00

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