Five Questions: Oakland Athletics
by Sal Baxamusa
: It's a mis-named series, since I've only got four questions. Still, on behalf
: of all Oakland partisans, I ask:
1. Who's going to be "your boy" this year?
: Every year, I dub an Oakland Athletic "my boy." Whenever that player does
: something good, I run around the house screaming like an idiot, "That's my
: boy!" Past recipients of this dubious honor have been Bobby Crosby, Nick
: Swisher, Chad Gaudin, and—most embarassingly—Esteban Loaiza. My track
: record may not be great, but in sabermetrics it is the process that matters
: more than the result. Soldier on, I must!
跑边大叫,"我的男孩好棒!",像个蠢蛋一样。过去几年的获奖名单有: Bobby Crosby、
Nick Swisher、Chad Gaudin,还有