She welcomed visits by senior British royals, most notably the Prince of Wales to her official residence, Áras an Uachtaráin. 关于这句 S大说 总之基本上a visit by someone即使没有字典写也不太表文法错 现在经过大家耐心解释和指导, 我知道这a visit by用法是对的
证来证明 "a visit by someone" 的用法是对的,我猜你可能是属于那种字典为主 google为辅的人,也就是字典对你的说服力度会大于google到的东西,因此当你无法在自己所使用的字典上找到此用法时,你便慌了,要不然也不会推翻掉自己最初的想法,进而去假设a visit by是错的。首先,我想跟你说的是,每一本字(辞)典的编纂者都有他们比较侧重的地方,甚至是不同的观点,不太可能有哪一本(部)字(辞)典能把全部的东西都包括在内,若你真想走翻译这条路的话,多本(种)不同的工具书是必备的,再来就是得加强自己查资料及查字(辞)典的技巧,就你所述你查字典后发现"a visit prep. someone" 里的 prep.只有查到 "from",也就是对你来说 a visit from someone 才是字典上唯一找到的用法,那不知除了 a visit by someone 外,你是否也会将a visit to/of/with someone都假设为不正确呢?在此我就不跟你讨论你这"另类"解读的文法思路是否不妥,因为已有诸位大大跟你探讨,下面我将贴出几句我在字(辞)典上找到的句子,供你参考,看是否能成为你 "想办法要找到a visit by someone是对的证明"。以下出自The Kenkyusha Dictionary of English Collocations(日本人编的)1. "visit n."词条中的例句,"Visits by the company president to local offices are unusual."若你不相信日本人编的字(辞)典,以下出自Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary(我猜你所用的字(辞)典可能就是Learner's Dictionary这类的)2. "state visit"词条中的解释,"an 到能让你信服的佐2. "state visit"词条中的解释,"an 到能让你信服的佐"state visit"词条中的解释,"an official formalvisit by the eader of one ?country to another"若上面的都还无法成为你想找的证明的话,接下来的句子或解释都出自OED(2nd ed., ver. 4.0)3. "co-host, v."词条中所引用的句子,"The English Nature Dorset Team has co-hosted a visit by young Slovakenvironmentalist, Drahos Blanar."4. "state, n."词条中第41.a.里,对state visit的解释,"state visit, a visit by a head of state to a foreigncountry for ceremonial rather than official purposes"5. "visitation"词条中第I. 1.里的a.解释,"A visit by an ecclesiastical person (or body) to examine into thestate of a diocese, parish, religious institution, etc."6. "vicarish, a."词条中所引用的句子,"I was also subject to frequent visits by vicars, who popped their heads round my door in a vicarish manner every so often."要是连OED你都无法相信的话,那我就无能为力了。我发现句2.打上来后一直有乱码或被吃字,在此再打一次2. "state visit"词条中的解释,"an official formalvisit by the leader of one country to another"
yeah~ so I got my ass kicked with gratitude!至于原po,看你这么想问,我就讲吧。理想状况是:被电,去看人家讲的,看懂了,知道自己的错误,然后改过,变更好。你卡在“看懂了”这关。要看懂人家讲什么?至少有两个前提,一是自己知识够或头脑好,有能力判断以及看懂,二是理智上愿意承认自己错误。到底问题卡在哪里,相信你自己应该知道。你要我道歉,或是要告我,选一个,我都配合。反正都你对,我都乱讲。这样可以吗?我当然不会因为这样就放弃帮助别人,没那么脆弱。 I've been through worse. Not trying to save the world, just tohelp those with缘分. (smile)then I may say go get a life and study englishtrust me, I can be a real bitch and a pain in the ass