japwoon (It's a baca da)
2014-10-22 03:01:552014年高考法制─法学知识与英文
2014. 7. 6 15:40-16:40
(A)行政法院 (B)台北地方法院
(C)台湾台北地方法院检察署 (D)公务员惩戒委员会
5.依宪法第 140条之规定,现役军人不得兼任文官,故现役军人不得担任下列何者职
(A)总统府战略顾问 (B)国防部参谋本部次长
(C)国家安全局局长 (D)国家安全会议秘书长
6.根据司法院释字第 603号解释,下列关于资讯隐私权保障内涵之陈述,何者错误?
(A)法官 (B)检察官 (C)司法警察机关 (D)行政执行官
8.司法官释字第 604号解释认为,针对违规停车,执法人员得于举发其违规后,使用
(A)平等原则 (B)权力分立原则 (C)宪法保留原则 (D)比例原则
(A)考试委员 (B)审计长
(C)国家通讯传播委员会委员 (D)经济部部长
(A)声请司法院解释 (B)请总统出面召集二院院长会商解决之
(C)经总统核可,提出覆议 (D)解散立法院
(A)政党与人民团体 (B)政党与侨居国外国民
(C)政党与区域 (D)区域与人民团体
(A)法律 (B)法规命令 (C)解释性行政规则 (D)裁量基准
(A)特许 (B)核定 (C)准用 (D)报备
(A)社会一般人确信其有法之效力 (B)必须通行全国
(C)须为多年惯行的事实 (D)成文法所未规定的事项
(D)释字第 334号解释有关中央政府建设公债发行条例所定公债之解释,属于统一解
(A)1年 (B)2年 (C)5年 (D)15年
28.刑法第 134条规定“公务员假借职务上之权力、机会或方法,以故意犯本章以外各
(A)5万股 (B)20万股 (C)25万股 (D)30万股
(A)由台北市之立法机关通过并公告 (B)由外交部发布,并刊登于行政院公报
(C)由立法院审议通过,并经总统公布 (D)由联合国发布,行政院公告其中译文
31.When presenting information, good presenters try to be as _______ as
possible. They usually speak effectively and get their point across.
(A)adhacent (B)rampant (C)stormy (D)succinct
32.The approval of film reviewers can be _______ to a firm's success and can
actually determine its future at the box office.
(A)critical (B)flexibal (C)potential (D)striking
33.Steven was not able to finish his assignment on time, and, instead of
being honest about it, he _______ an excuse in order to gain more time to
complete it.
(A)contemplated (B)dedicated (C)fabricated (D)stipulated
34.Kevin never liked cats before taking care of his sister's cat Lily. The
kitten just _______ Kevin, and he actually enjoyed her company.
(A)advocated (B)enchanted (C)patronized (D)retrieved
35.When small businesses start to grow, they move into bigger _______ and
take on extra staff.
(A)assemblies (B)liabilities (C)overheads (D)premises
36.I insisted upon confidentiality and the "right to _______" ─people were
free not to participate if they felt uncomfortable about any particular
(A)perceptibility (B)reticence (C)senility (D)unanimity
37.Vertical gardens are cropping up all over cities these days, transforming
drab urban _______ into vibrant jungles of color.
(A)facades (B)interiors (C)peasants (D)securities
38.When the singer started to sing, all her fans were _______ by her
beautiful voice.
(A)camouflaged (B)demolished (C)mesmerized (D)perpetuated
39.An addiction is anything that has more power over you than you do.
(A)Being addicted to something makes you weak.
(B)The power of any addiction excels your will to control it.
(C)Addiction is something strong, but you can always control it.
(D)You always know whether you get addicted to something or not.
40.It is not the stromgest of the species that survives, nor the most
intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.
(A)The species thagt respond are not only the most intelligent but also
the strongest.
(B)The species that survive are not the strongest, nor the ceverest, byt
the most adaptable.
(C)The strongest are the species that are the most intelligent and most
responsive to survival.
(D)The most intelligent are the species that are the most responsive to
strong change and survive.
To a great extent, we owe our current high standard of living to
biological advances in food production. Plant and animal breeders have
developed organisms that provide better sources of food than the original
varieties. Corn is a grass that produces its seeds on a cob.The original corn
plant had very small ears that were perhaps only three or four centimeters
long. Through selective breeding, varieties of corn with much larger ears and
more seeds per cob plant have been adapted to produce other kinds of corn,
such as sweer corn and popcorn.
Animal breeders also have had much success. The pig, chicken, and cow
of today are much different animals from those available even 100 years ago.
Chickens lay more eggs, dairy cows give more milk, and beef cattle grow
faster. All of these improvements raise our standard of living. One
interesting example is the change in the kind of hogs that are raised. At one
time, farmers wanted pigs that were fatty. The fat could be made into lard,
soap, and virous other products. As the demand for fat products of pigs
declined, animal breeders developed pigs that gave a high yield of meat and
relatively little fat. Today, plant and animal breeders can produce plants
and animals almost to specifications.
41.Which of the following satements about corn is NOT true?
(A)The original corn ears were three or four centimeters long.
(B)We have corn with large ears because of selective breedings.
(C)Biological advances help produce varieties of corn.
(D)Corn can hardly adapt itself.
42.According to the passage,which of the following statements is true?
(A)Farmers have nothing to do with raising our standard of living.
(B)Thanks to selective breeding, animal breeders raise more fatty chickens.
(C)Biological advances in food production give us a higher standard of
(D)Sweet corn and popcorn add variety to our lifestyle.
43.According to the passage,what is the new trend in raising pigs?
(A)To raise pigs for a high yield of meat and a high yield of fat.
(B)To raise pigs for a low yield of meat and a high yield of fat.
(C)To raise pigs for a high yield of meat and a low yield of fat.
(D)To raise pigs for producing more piglets.
Horror movies are more than a genre produced for commercial and
ententaining reasons. There are good and bad horror movies,and a good horror
movie is easily distinguished from a bad one. A good horror movie, first of
all, has both male and female victims. Both sexes suffer terrible fates at
the hands of monsters and maniacs. Therefore, everyone in the audience has a
chance to identify with the victim. Bad horror movies, on the other hand,
tend to concentrate on women, especially half-dressed ones. These movies are
obviously prejudiced against half the human race. Second, a good horror movie
inspires compassion for its characters. For example, the audience will feel
sympathy for the Wolfman's victims and also for the Wolfman, who is shown to
be a sad victim of fate. In contrast, a bad horror movie encourages feelings
of aggression and violence in viewers. For instance, in the Halloween films,
the murder scenes use the murderer's point of view. The effect is that the
cudience stalks the victims along with thekiller and feels the same thrill he
does. Finally, every good horror movie has a sense of humor.In Dracula, the
Count says meaningfully at dinner, "I don't drink wine," as he stares at a
young woman's juicy neck. Humor provides relief from the horror and makes the
characters more human.A bad horror movie,though, is homorless and boring. One
murder is piled on top of another, and the characters are just cardboard
figures. Bad horror movies may provide cheap thrills, but the good ones touch
our emotions and live forever.
44.What is this passage mainly about?
(A)The history of horror movies
(B)The production of a good horror movie
(C)The experience of watching horror movies
(D)The distinction between good and bad horror movies
45.How wold the audience feel when watching a good horror movie?
(A)The audience will be thrilled all the time.
(B)The audience will sympathize with the victims.
(C)The audience will follow the murderer's point of view.
(D)The audience will have a prejudice against female victims.
46.According to this passage, who tends to be the victims in a bad horror
(A)Men (B)Women
(C)Both men and women (D)Monsters and maniacs
The lesson of comparative advantage is that while anything we do is
worth doing well, not everything we do well is worth doing. A CEO who is a
great cook still orders take-out, even take-out that is not as good as what
the CEO can make. The cost of cooking is not just the grocery bill. __47___
Consider Jane Galt, the pseudonym of an accomplished journalist who
blogs on economics and policy. __48___ She recently blogged on the best
kitchen gadgets. Her descriptions made us want to buy all of them─Jane
writes very well and her passion for cool stuff is contagious. A visitor to
the site commented, perhaps tongue-in-cheek, that the failure of Jane to be
hired as a copywriter for a kicthenware catalog was proof that markets do not
work well. __49___ Jane remains a journalist precisely because markets do
work well─as good as she is at writing catalog copy, she is even better at
journalism. For Jane to become a copywriter for a catalog would be very
costly even though she is very good at it. I presume the kitchenware makers
cannot pay her enough to bid her away from her day job as a journalist.
__50___ Just because America could make fabulous televisions does not
mean we should have a television industry. The cost of producing televisions
means less of something else. It might be better to make that something else
and trade with foreigners for televisions. Letting people outside the United
States sell us televisions and cars and watches and steel and shoes frees up
resources that allow us to make more of other things we value.
47.(A)However, the most productive use of one's time depends on the skills
that others can provide.
(B)What is even more valuable is the time taken away from managing the
(C)The existence of prices and wages makes it possible to answer these
(D)The same lesson applies to a country.
48.(A)Evidently, she loves to cook.
(B)However, the most productive use of one's time depends on the skills
that others can provide.
(C)The same lesson applies to a country.
(D)But of course, just toe opposite is true.
49.(A)What is even more valuable is the time taken away from managing the
(B)However, the most productive use of one's time depends on the skills
that others can provide.
(C)The existence of prices and wages makes it possible to answer these
(D)But of course, just toe opposite is true.
50.(A)The same lesson applies to a country.
(B)But of course, just toe opposite is true.
(C)What is even more valuable is the time taken away from managing the
(D)The existence of prices and wages makes it possible to answer these