[新闻] 乌克兰议长寻求与波兰对Volhynia屠杀和解

楼主: A6 (短ID真好)   2023-05-26 18:08:37
波兰英语新闻 提到 乌克兰议长访波就"道歉"
没错 你可以听到 波兰新闻中用的是道歉
我听到很震惊 所以我标题一度使用道歉
马上去查 这消息很新 基本没什么新闻
Ukraine offers reconciliation to ally Poland over World War II-era massacre
WARSAW, Poland — The chairman of Ukraine’s parliament on Thursday offered
words of reconciliation over World War II-era mass murders that have strained
relations with its neighbor and strategic ally Poland for 80 years.
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“Human life has equal value, regardless of nationality, race, sex or
religion,” Ruslan Stefanchuk told Polish lawmakers. “With this awareness we
will cooperate with you, dear Polish friends, and we will accept the truth
regardless of how uncompromising it may be.”
Stefanchuk’s words sounded a new tone and were in contrast to the recent
angry reaction of Ukraine's ambassador to Polish expectations of an apology.
Poland this year is marking the 80th anniversary of the 1943-44 massacre of
some 100,000 Poles by Ukrainian nationalists and others in Volhynia and other
regions that were then in eastern Poland, under Nazi German occupation, and
which are now part of Ukraine.
Entire villages were burned down and all their inhabitants killed by the
nationalists and their helpers seeking to establish an independent Ukraine
state. Poland calls the events a genocide.
An estimated 15,000 Ukrainians died in retaliation.
Stefanchuk was speaking in Poland’s parliament during a visit to Warsaw.
Poland has been offering military and humanitarian support to Ukraine in its
war with Russia.
Stefanchuk thanked Poland for the current support, and then offered sympathy
to the families of the Poles slain in what is known as the Volhynia massacre.
He also offered a joint effort to identify and honor all the victims buried
in Ukraine.
Poland has long been seeking Kyiv’s permission for exhumations,
identification and commemoration of the Polish victims. However, some of the
Ukrainian nationalist leaders of the time are regarded as key figures for
Ukraine’s statehood, lending a different perspective there to the events.
Stefanchuk thanked the families of the victims for cultivating a memory which
“does not call for revenge or hatred, but which serves as a warning that
nothing like that can ever happen between our nations again.”
He said that identification and honoring of the victims “without bans or
barriers” is “our joint moral and Christian obligation.”
He said that an open, joint approach to the painful history would be an “
exceptionally necessary test” that could pave the way for the words “we
forgive and ask for forgiveness.” Those words, offered by Poland’s Catholic
bishops to Germany’s bishops in the 1960s, laid the foundations for Poland’
s reconciliation with its World War II aggressor, Germany.
Polish Foreign Minister Zbigniew Rau described Stefanchuk’s speech as “very
good,” saying that “we have heard what we wanted to hear.”
“We are on the right path and this speech shows that our positions are
getting closer again. We have something to build on,” Rau said.
Poland’s leaders have insisted that bringing the full truth into the open
will strengthen bilateral relations with Ukraine and neutralize
vulnerabilities that could be exploited by third countries seeking to
undermine these ties.
作者: moslaa (万变蛾)   2023-05-26 18:30:00
作者: leptoneta (台湾高山族自治区书记)   2023-05-26 19:41:00
作者: kevin11951 (kevin11951)   2023-05-27 10:12:00
作者: dennisdecade (尼德希克)   2023-05-27 12:18:00
大敌当前 敌人的敌人之间就算不愿意也只能选择和解就跟韩国打算接受旭日旗日舰入港一样
作者: saram (saram)   2023-05-27 22:03:00
作者: hgt (王契赧)   2023-05-27 22:22:00
不觉得有啥好震惊!!! 我感觉你就是一直在带风向!!!一开始带乌克兰有纳粹倾向,现在又在带乌克兰跟西方盟国有矛盾的风向!!
作者: leptoneta (台湾高山族自治区书记)   2023-05-27 23:17:00
不到历史板 不知道警总还在搞
作者: cht12341234 (55688)   2023-05-28 09:20:00
作者: hgt (王契赧)   2023-05-28 15:25:00
没有说你不能提呀!! 就我觉得是带风向呀!! 不行吗??别人支持乌克兰,你就去研究乌克兰是否有纳粹倾向!!波兰大力支援乌克兰,就开始研究波兰与乌克兰有什么问题矛盾你怎么不研究中国和俄罗斯有何矛盾?? 怎么不研究白俄和俄罗斯有何矛盾?? 怎么不研究白俄或俄罗斯有没有纳粹倾向???所以我说的没错呀!!! 你就是想研究对乌克兰不利的东西不是吗所以我说你是带风向,没说你不能提,也没说你是对是错呀!!!在俄乌终端上,你就是倾向研究对乌不利的这边!!!争
作者: cht12341234 (55688)   2023-05-28 17:31:00
作者: hgt (王契赧)   2023-05-29 08:50:00
作者: Ariettina (Ari)   2023-05-29 13:23:00
带风向(X) 玻璃心自以为别人在带风向(O)
作者: HarunoYukino   2023-05-30 00:05:00
作者: zeumax (烟灰缸里的鱼)   2023-05-30 02:36:00
作者: hgt (王契赧)   2023-05-30 12:53:00
造谣说你没写其他国家??? 我什么时候说过??我是说你怎么不研究中国俄罗斯白俄罗斯之间有啥矛盾!!!我看你才是造谣吧!!! 7pupu!!
作者: want150 (张氏的大号令)   2023-05-30 13:13:00
我觉得已经有点夸张了 这里是学术研究的版 检讨政治立场干嘛不去政黑发文
作者: GilGalad (狂想は亡国の调べ)   2023-05-30 17:57:00
定期发作的甭多费口舌 送检举让大家清静清静功德无量
作者: hgt (王契赧)   2023-05-30 18:48:00
正常推文是要检举啥???章呀!! 这句话是在说有可能你PO在其他版我没看到呀!!怎么会解读成你不写其他国家??快笑死!!! 只会抓语病!! 好啊!! "请也PO一些关于其他国家的文章" 跟说你不写其他国家有啥关系???这明明是说可能PO在其他版我没看到,所以请你PO在本版呀也或是在本版,我没认真找呀!!!带风向就认吧!!! 搞到要找语病来辩解!! 超搞笑!!

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