[征才] ucfunnel-媒体开发/PM/Node.js Engineer

楼主: livingroom (livingroom)   2016-12-29 16:42:41
【公司名称】ucfunnel 悠福科技股份有限公司
1. Media Partner Manager
-对数字敏感, 英文书写流利
【薪资范围】NTD 30,000~50,000
2. PM
-Project development and management
-Competitor and market analysis
-Cross team communication
-Project schedule coordination
-Proactive, good communication and problem solving skills.
-Familiar with Mobile, ICT, Data-driven business
-Good project coordination with engineer
-Knowledge at software engineering
【薪资范围】NTD 50,000~80,000
3. Node.js Engineer
-Responsible for platform product, including design and implementation.
-Passionate at next generation data-driven marketing and goal oriented.
-Fight to the end of server scalability and stability.
-Basic knowledge at real-time-bidding & programmatic marketing
-Familiar with software engineering tools, including version control, issue tr
-English writing efficiently and willing to communicate in English
【薪资范围】NTD 50,000~100,000
● 交通地点方便,台北办公室位于松江南京捷运站旁。
● 全新开放式的办公环境,零食与饮品全时段供应。
● 舒适的工作环境,多功能会议室与安静的休憩空间。
● 南京商圈附近生活机能完善,旁边有便利商店、公园及各式美味小吃。
● 年轻热血的新创团队,自由开放的工作气氛。
● 弹性上班制度,上下班免打卡,可远端工作。
● 劳、健保及退休金提拨:新进人员报到后即办理劳、健保投保及退休金提拨。
● 经常有员工聚餐,教育训练补助,及节日礼金。
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