[心得] “职涯成功的预测指标”分析摘要

楼主: AmosYang (泛用人型编码器)   2021-11-01 02:09:26
Ng, Thomas WH, Lillian T. Eby, Kelly L. Sorensen, and Daniel C. Feldman.
"Predictors of objective and subjective career success: A meta‐analysis."
Personnel psychology 58, no. 2 (2005): 367-408.
# 何谓“对职涯的帮助”
* 相对客观/量化的指标:薪资、职等 (掌管的预算)
* 相对主观/质化的指标:物理/心灵生活品质 (安全感、压力/焦虑、等等)
# (阶级) 流动性 ( mobility )
* contest 竞争,靠能力/成果/贡献向上爬;相对更有可能 只 靠自己的努力翻身
* sponsored 赞助,靠来自有资源的人的赏识向上爬;相对更难 只 靠自己的努力
# 对职涯成功的预测指标
* 人力资本 human capital
* 工作时数 hours worked
* 职人心态 work centrality
* (在特定职位上的) 年资 job tenure
* (在特定组织中的) 年资 organization tenure
* 工作经验 work experience
* 改变环境的意愿 willingness to transfer
* 国际经验 international experience
* 教育程度 education level
* 职涯规划 career planning
* 政治手腕 political knowledge & skills
* 人脉 social capital
* 组织赞助 organizational sponsorship
* 背书 career sponsorship
* 主管支援 supervisor support
* 职训机会 training & skill development opportunities
* 组织文化/资源 organizational resources
* 出身阶层 socio-demographics
* 性别 gender
* 种族 race
* 婚姻状态 marital status
* 年龄 age
* 个人特质 stable individual differences
* 情绪不稳定性 neuroticism
* 严谨自律性 conscientiousness
* 外向性 extroversion
* 和善性 agreeableness
* 开放性 openness to experience
* 主动性 proactivity
* 内外控倾向 locus of control
* 认知功能 cognitive ability
# 对 薪资 的相关性 ( correlation )
.29 political knowledge & skills
.29 education level
.27 work experience
.27 cognitive ability
.26 age
.24 training & skill development opportunities
.24 hours worked
.22 career sponsorship
.20 organization tenure
.18 gender
.17 social capital
.16 marital status
.12 work centrality
.11 willingness to transfer
.11 race
.11 proactivity
.11 international experience
.11 career planning
.10 extroversion
.07 organizational resources
.07 job tenure
.07 conscientiousness
.06 locus of control
.05 supervisor support
.04 openness to experience
-.10 agreeableness
-.12 neuroticism
# 对 升职 ( promotion ) 的相关性
.23 Training & skill development opportunities
.18 Extroversion
.16 Proactivity
.15 Social capital
.13 Hours worked
.12 International experience
.12 Career sponsorship
.09 Marital status
.08 Gender
.07 Political knowledge & skills
.06 Work experience
.06 Organizational resources
.06 Conscientiousness
.05 Education level
.04 Work centrality
.03 Willingness to transfer
.03 Organization tenure
.02 Supervisor support
.02 Age
.01 Race
.01 Openness to experience
-.02 Job tenure
-.03 Locus of control
-.05 Agreeableness
-.11 Neuroticism
# 对 职涯满意度 ( career satisfaction ) 的相关性
.47 Locus of control
.46 Supervisor support
.44 Career sponsorship
.38 Training & skill development opportunities
.38 Proactivity
.33 Career planning
.28 Social capital
.27 Extroversion
.22 Work centrality
.14 Conscientiousness
.13 Hours worked
.12 Openness to experience
.11 Agreeableness
.06 Marital status
.05 Political knowledge & skills
.03 Race
.03 International experience
.03 Education level
.02 Organization tenure
.01 Gender
.00 Work experience
.00 Age
-.02 Job tenure
-.02 Organizational resources
-.06 Willingness to transfer
-.36 Neuroticism
希望这可以帮助更有系统地讨论“什么对职涯最有帮助?”这个题目。 :)
作者: paint (有斑纹的马)   2021-11-01 07:59:00
项目太多的话 会变得难以聚焦
作者: peter98 (新兵)   2021-11-01 08:14:00
恩...这不叫摘要 写正式文章的话要注意...
作者: paint (有斑纹的马)   2021-11-01 10:02:00
例如可以将能力粗分为六项 分析 规划 实作 政治 管理 领导然后将职涯分成 学历 经历 家世 这里的学历不只是毕业证书而是包含各种学习上面的速度 进展与进度 特别是学校外的
作者: alihue (wanda wanda)   2021-11-01 10:10:00
其实这份清单比大部分讨论更细节,可以当作个人的 check list,算很客观评估自己的清单
作者: paint (有斑纹的马)   2021-11-01 10:12:00
面试的话可以分成 能力 运气 相性 大guy4酱 一起来集思广益
作者: Qoofate (大鲁阁_最强打者)   2021-11-02 16:52:00
作者: Ouranos (å—¨)   2021-11-04 19:07:00
推推,谢谢分享! :)

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