[评价] 107-1 贺培铭 广义相对论

楼主: oopzzozzo (π)   2020-08-16 21:28:11
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贴自 ceiba
第1周 Overview
第2周 Riemannian manifolds
第3周 Metric
第4周 Geodesics
第5周 Physics in Curved Spacetime
第6周 Connection
第7周 Curvature
第8周 Curvature
第10周 Einstein Equations
第11周 Perihelion Precession
第12周 Schwarzschild Solution
第13周 Black Holes
第14周 Gravitational Waves
第15周 Application to Cosmology
第16周 Other Theories of Gravity
第18周 Final Exam
Ω 私心推荐指数(以五分计) ★★★★★
η 上课用书(影印讲义或是指定教科书)

μ 上课方式(投影片、团体讨论、老师教学风格)
9.10 Garbage truck
Like a garbage truck, it's the flies(field) that flies around, not the garbage truck itself (that has energy).
What has wheels and flies? A garbage truck.
9.10 Unicorns exists
Suppose unicorns exist, for a type of unicorn, I'll name it exist-unicorn.
Since it is called exist-unicorn, it exists.
9.17 Girl friend and Gorillas
Though it looks boring, if you want to know about something, you have to spend time with it.
If you want to know about gorillas, you have to spend your time with gorillas; If you want to know about your boy or girlfriend, you have to spend time with him or her.
Maybe we should not think of gorillas and boy or girlfriend as the same, but it's true.
9.17 Notation
Open sets U_1, U_2, U_3, U_4
Their union U_1 U U_2 U U_3 U U_4
Aha... I regret using U
9.31 Mobius ring
Some people correct me every time I say this word. We have a German pronounce it.
German girl in class: Mobius
Professor: Say it three times
German girl: Mobius, Mobius, Mobius
Professor: Okay, I'm not sure if I could reproduce this.
9.31 Take a picture
I want to take a picture, I told my friend I have 80 students in my class, he doesn't believe me.
9.31 Confusing
Is this confusing or obvious?
Or both?
10.08 Doughnut
If we have alien penpals .... their planet might be like a doughnut (draws a sunny side up egg on the blackboard) or it might have two holes (draws another hole and curves of the doughnut.) I have an idea to open a doughnut shop and sell doughnuts of different topology, then math-oriented people would like to try all of them.
10.15 Twins paradox
Suppose we have a set of twins, the brother goes on a rocket while the sister stays on Earth. (There is no word for "elder brother" in English, so they have to be in different genders)
... Then the sister (points at the stick figure on Earth), this is the sister, right? I can't remember, let me draw some hair.
... If the brother uses a telescope to look at her sister through the journey. It might sound creepy, but he could do that.
10.15 Word & LaTeX
This is like Word and LaTeX. If you use Word, you get something fast, and it looks fine. If you use LaTeX, you spend more time in the beginning, but you get something more beautiful.
Do not quote me.
10.22 Nothing
This entry could be nothing but zero ... nothing but zero is simply nothing.
10.22 Gravitational field
If you have a strong gravitational field, and something in it... (tosses the chalk in his hand)
12.03 Explanation
Is this too abstract? Do I have to explain this in a different way?
I don't have a different way.
Okay, this is homework, please tell me if you find a different way.
12.03 Change of variables
You can always change variables, no one could forbid you to do this.
To me, this is basic human right.
σ 评分方式(给分甜吗?是扎实分?)
70% 作业;30% 期末
ρ 考题型式、作业方式
ω 其它(是否注重出席率?如果为外系选修,需先有什么基础较好吗?老师个性?
(如 Maxwell's equation, Schrödinger equaton)
Ψ 总结
其实我只是毕业前想用 112ip 赚 P 币顺便清硬盘而已。
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作者: deltz (deltz)   2020-08-17 01:36:00
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