※ [本文转录自 InitialD 看板 #1Fn2JXxX ]
作者: timche2 (CWALK) 看板: InitialD
标题: Fw: [问题] OHV or DOHC是比较好的?
时间: Tue May 29 09:22:39 2012
※ [本文转录自 CAR-TUNING 看板 #1Fn2JJFy ]
作者: timche2 (CWALK) 看板: CAR-TUNING
标题: [问题] OHV or DOHC是比较好的?
时间: Tue May 29 09:22:22 2012
我这样问,是因为看了一个Camaro ZL1 vs Mustang BOSS的影片回复
被白人网友嘘得乱七八糟 所以来求问
我说mustang比较好 因为有DOHC 还有做出一个Concept,
机械增压V8 (少于6公升排气量 )640HP 水准已经接近Panamera 700GT
your a fucktard it has the best dampers in the world. lambos audi porsche
most exotics all use GM magnetic dampers. and im sure that rear axle is so
much better than independant rear suspension? as far as the more valvers per
cylinder goes let me put it this way just because you have a hammer thats
made from many nice exotic pieces doesnt mean its going to perform better
than my hammer my daddy gave me.
就是说蓝宝坚尼 奥迪 保时捷都用老美GMC的 磁铁悬吊
我GOOGLE一下,蓝宝坚尼好像是有用到 蓝宝-奥迪-保时捷是同一家公司(VW)
Higher tech? DOHC has been around since the 1920s. The DOHC concept is
terrible if you are concerned about weight, complexity, and packaging. The
Mustang engine is much bigger, wider, and heavier than the chevy LS. This is
why your ricer friends in the drift world swap to chevy LS engines. It is
compact, makes a ton of power, and frequently weighs the same as many of the
4 cylinders they replace. Educate yourself.
也指控说那些会把GMC LS1换到RX-7里面的理由,是这个
当然我没开过OHV车也看过湾岸 OHV扭力大嘛
日本车给我的教育是: 同车款顶级车TRIM 才会有DOHC
这美式鸡肉车,我只看得懂外型 数值 其他看不懂了;
毕竟我不是机械系的 感恩