[试题] 104-2 高 德 世界考古大发现 期中考

楼主: cnajb (西娜)   2016-04-28 19:28:06
课程名称︰世界考古大发现 Great Discoveries in World Archaeology
试题 :
Part 1. Short Answer Identifications (Choose 6 out of 10, 7 points each)
1) cylinder seal
2) Lucy(fossil)
3) Göbekli Tepe
4) Royal Cemetery of Ur
5) Xianrendong仙人洞(according to lecture and notes;Scarre is incorrect)
6) Chauvet Cave (Grotte Chauvet)
7) 62 rue Henry-Farman
8) Acheulean biface (handaxe)(stone tool type)
9) Mohenjo-daro
10) 'Ain Ghazal
Part 2. Multiple Choice questions and fill-in the blank questions
(2 points each)
1.It was commenly believed by European thinkers in the
17th and 18th centuries that:
A.the age of the world could never be determined
B.humans had evolved from earlier forms similar to apes
C.the world's age could be calculated by observing
geological formation processes
D.the world was created in 4004 BC
2.The name of the bishop who famously developed this viewpoint was ________
3.According to Scarre, the development of what technology during the Ubaid
period had a profound effect on the settling and socio-political development
of lower (or south) Mesopotamia?
A.bronze metallurgy
C.domestification of cattle
D.irrigation technology
4.A "revolution" showing the advent of modern behavoir becomes apparent in the
archaeological record in the:
A.Upper Paleolithic (Europe) and Late Stone Age (Africa)
B.Middle Paleolithic and Middle Stone Age
C.Lower Paleolithic and Early Stone Age
5.A commen characterisric of cities large and small in the Indus Valley more
than 4000 years ago was:
A.the location of a raised area or "citadel" dominating the city
B.their planned nature with parallel and perpendicular streets
C.craft specialist neighborhoods
D.all of the above
6.For most European thinkers in the 19th centuries, when archaeology was
beginning to develop as a field, cultural evolution:
A.had at its basis a strong notion of progress
B.was rooted in principles derived from the Bible
C.was synonymous with democracy
D.was seen as impossible, because only animals evolve
7.List one person whose work or ideas in the 19th century demonstrated such
a view:_________
8.The earliest stone tool yet discovered, dating to 3.3 mya, comes from
this site:
A.Lomekwi, West Turkana
B.Olduvai Gorge
9.Which was the 1st hominin species able to make stone tools and extend its
range out of Africa and into Europe, East Asia and Southeast Asia?
A.Homo erectus
B.Homo habilis
D.anatomically modern humans
10.The most commen images in the cave paintings of the European Upper
Paleolithic are of:
B.the sun, moon, and other stellar imagery
11.What is the name of one cave site that features such imagery?
12.According to recent discoveries of early hominins, the single most
important consideration for placing a 4 million-year-old fossil in the
hominin family is:
A.how it walked
B.the size of its brain
C.evidence of a significant reliance on culture(tools)
D.evidence for the use of fire
13.What is a genus name for one of these hominins(before the genus Homo)
in question 12?
14.The tool technology or industry assciated with the Neandertals is called?
15.The Younger Dryas was:
A.an interval at the end of the Pleistocene characterized by a rapid shift
back to glacial-like conditions during a general period of warming
B.the period during which some cultures in North America adapted an
agricultural way of life
C.the so-called Little Ice Age that lasted from the mid-twelfth through the
mid-19th centuries AD
D.a climate shift named after the archaeologist son the 1st excavator of
Ohallo 2
16.The Younger Dryas was likely a "push" toward the intensification of plant
cultivation in which archaeological culture in the Levant?
17.The food producing revolution can be best described as:
A.a period of rapid replacement of a hunting and gathering existence with
an agricultural way of life
B.a lengthy (often ca. one millennium long)"evolutionary" process of change
from a foraging to an agricultural mode of subsistence
C.a violent struggle on the part of overpopulated societies more than 10000
years ago to change the way in which they fed themselves
D.a process in which Neolithic cultures violently imposed their
agricultural way of life in those in surrounding territories
18.Name an Early Neolithic site in South China that is important in
researching the domestification if rice
19.The process of animal domestification, such as of cattle, sheep and goat,
and pigs, can feature which of these in the archaeological record:
A.changes in the age and sex profiles for the animal remains found at the
B.changes in animal size
C.finding the animal outside the range of the distributionof wild animals
D.all of the above
20.Which features of Indus Civilization sites lead some scholars to argue that
the Indus featured a heterachical socio-political organization?
A.monumental public art showing god-like kings
B.signs of increasing warfare
C.craft workshops under strict political control of elites
D.all of the above
E.none of the above
Part 3 Answer all 3 sections(6 points each)
A)Changes in technology, especially stone tools, mark the major periodization
of prehistory. Put these tools in chronological order, from oldest to most
recent(based on their first appearance)
A.Acheulean biface
B.Natufian microblade (bladelet)
C.Oldowan discoid
D.Aurignacian blade tool
E.Pengtoushan polished stone axe
F.Levallois core
Extra Credit(1 point):Name a sute where Natufian bladelets were found:_______
B)Which was your favorite in-class presentation, and what did you learn from
it?(You may not write about your own presentation!)

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