A. Alain de Botton, Essays in Love:
15.“Intermittences of the Heart”
12.“Scepticism and Faith”
18.“Romantic Terrorism”
19.“Beyond Good and Evil”
B. Roland Barthes, A Lover’s Discourse:
“The Intractable”
“The Ribbon”
“E lucevan le stelle”
以上皆为简答题(short answers, 不超过三句话)
C. 几篇阅读跟电影作品一起出问答题(essay questions)
(17) Zizek on Brief Encounter
(18) Kipnis on adultery and capitalism
(15) Cunningham on Ma nuit chez Maud
(19) Salecl on The Age of Innocence
(22) Brunette on 花样年华
(23) Verhaeghe on desire
(31) Jollimore on Nietzsche and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
1. 开书考:仅限纸本,不可用电子产品、不可交换资料
2. 老师第一次开这门课,还不是很了解同学答题状况,因此考试时间延长
3. 如要引用,记得以学术格式引用
I. Essay Questions 三题,各25%
1. (AB两个问题选一题回答就好)
(A) According to Slavoj Zizek, in Brief Encounter, the condition of
impossibility for Alec and Laura's affair is also its condition of possibility
(Course pack reading #17, the second page). What does this mean? Please
explain sufficiently.
(B) In Closer, Anna reluctantly accepts the "bargain" of sleeping with Larry
so as to get his signature on the divorce papers. Why does she do it? What does
this say about Anna and Larry? On the other hand, after Dan's persistent
inquiry into what happens between Larry and Alice after Dan leaves her for
Anna, Alice says to him, "I don't love you any more." Why does she say so? What
does this event say about Alice and Dan?
2. At the end of In the Mood for Love (花样年华), Su Li-zhen (苏丽珍) secretly
visits Chow Mo-wan (周慕云)'s room in Singapore, touching reminiscently his
personal items, "retrieving" her pink slippers, and leaves after dialing his
phone number at work without speaking. In your opinion, why does she decide not
to be re-united with Chow Mo-wan? Is this similar to or different from Newland
Archer's decision at the end of The Age of Innocence, not to go upstairs to
meet Ellen, whom he has longed to see for 26 years (our reading #19, pp.14-6)?
Are their decisions related to the question of desire, as far as you know?
3. In Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, people go to Lacuna clinic to
erase their painful memories when they break up. As far as the movie is
concerned, do you think it is a good idea to forget about one's past love
affairs? What does one "gain" and "lose" when one chooses to do that? What does
it mean when Troy Jollimore, citing C.S. Lewis, argues that the movie
demonstrates "the very mark of Eros" (our reading #31, pp. 58-9) and
Nietzschean affirmation (pp.51-2, 54-5)?
II. Short answers 五题各5%,共25%
Alain de Botton's Essays in Love:
A. In love relationships, what events take place so as to force some people
to enter "the era of romantic terrorism" (155)? What do people try to attain
when they are "tempted to turn to romantic teorrism" (156)?
B. What is an experience? How do experiences relate to the growth of intimacy
between lovers?
C. WHy do so many people approach rejection in love by way of "moral language,
the language of right and wrong, good and evil, as though to reject or not to
reject, to love or not to love, was something that naturally belonged to a
branch of ethics" (171) or morality?
A Lover's Discourse by Roland Barthes:
D. What does it mean to "affirm love... as a value" (22)?
E. When one is in love, one feels that a power "emanates" from the loved one to
affect or "impregnate" the objects he or she is in contact with. Why does
Barthes call such an object "the metonymic object" (173)?