[文法] there was/were...

楼主: ambrosio (...)   2018-05-19 10:39:36
there was laughter and cheers followed by
more money thrown onto the stage.
were, laughter and cheers不是复数吗?
作者: dunchee (---)   2018-05-19 20:40:00
是有这样子的用法http://www.dictionary.com/browse/there?s=t-> Usage note (compound subjects,最近的名词/主词)特别是 laughter and cheers 有时是可视为整个是一起的单一名词(像是 "bread and butter")
作者: mrcoretw   2018-05-19 21:23:00
interesting, countable + uncountable nouns, yes
楼主: ambrosio (...)   2018-05-19 21:29:00
thanks a lot

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