Re: [文法] seem/appear(to be)的用法

楼主: BigBreast (男人的坚持)   2016-12-10 19:55:54
※ 引述《scju (QQ)》之铭言:
: 大家好,请问一下
: 想厘清seem/appear (to be)的用法,看到牛津英语用法指南PEU是这样写的:
: 条目507.3 seem
: "Seem to be" is normal before noun phrases.
: I looked through the binoculars: it "seemed to be" some sort of large rat.
: (NOT ... it seemed some sort of large rat.)
: I spoke to a man who "seemed to be" the boss. (NOT ... who seemed the boss.)
这两句的重点在于 "是不是" 某物/某人
这样的是非判断偏向"客观" 所以通常加 to be
可以把句子想成是 What/Who is 主词? 的回答
: However, "to be" can be dropped before noun phrases which express more
: subjective feelings.
: She "seems (to be) " a nice girl.
此时重点不是客观的 "是不是"
而是她人"好不好"的主观意见 所以可省掉 to be
可以把这类句子想成是 How is 主词? What is 主词 like? 的回答
She seemed the kind of girl to give money to the poor.
此句虽然后方有 the,但其实是普遍性的通称 (会捐钱给穷人的那种女孩)
句义重点是"她有没有某种特质"的主观意见 所以可省 to be
She seemed to be the girl who killed John.
此句就明显的在指 "是不是" 的客观判断 所以通常加 to be
: The cup "seemed" almost doll's size in his hands.
: It "seems" a pity, but I can't see you this weekend. (NOT It seems to be a
: pity ... )
: 以上是书中内容,但我觉得这有模糊地带,
: 例如I spoke to a man who "seemed to be" the boss.难道就不能这是我的“主观”
: 感受而写成who seemed the boss?
: 总之,这解释似乎会有自由心证的部分?
: 请教一下。谢谢!
: 原文
作者: scju (QQ)   2016-12-20 13:43:00

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