Now, I want to publish a tutorial video
Especially , I want to publish in EU ,China ,America, Arab ,etc.
This is programming video that Embedded Systems and app for Chinese
But The video is some copyright problem that it can’t show in Taiwan.
I hope Lock Taiwan IP.
I have ever asked udemy ,lynda , but they can’t publish for certain area.
Video will be publish around world.
What can I do? And Any platform could be publish?
dmcry (我是米虫:p)
2016-09-02 11:48:00I'd like to publish a tutorial video aboutembedded systems and apps.Targeted audiences are China, Arab, US and Europe.Due to copyright issue the video needs to be blockedfrom all the Taiwanese visitors.I have checked with Udemy and Lyndaand seems they don't have such capability.Is there any way or platform to make this happen?
作者: gentianpan 2016-09-03 16:02:00
dmcry, 你有一句发生断点: 主要句子是 I have checked ...and seems ..