Timk (对不起的大只蚕)
2016-08-31 16:30:52appeal一直是令我困惑的字,如果大家有好的文意判断方法,例如从及物或不及物,
正文如下: 取自今天的CNN student news
So, the European Union has ruled that Apple owes up to $14.6 billion
in unpaid taxes. But Ireland says Apple paid what it owed. So, the
country is appealing the decision, along with Apple itself which says
it follows the law and is being unfairly targeted.
Starbucks and Fiat Chrysler are also appealing orders to pay back tens of
millions from tax deals with other European countries.
以上两段都有appeal, 不知道大家会怎翻译这两段话?
(第一段可以从But Ireland says...开始翻)
顺便询问第一段along with Apple itself,这里要怎么翻?