Issagn (NTI)
2016-08-20 17:40:48要看哪句。如果then后面是动词,就不要在then前加逗点。
He prepares the dough and then lets it sit for 3 hours. 这个可以
He prepares the dough, and then lets it sit for 3 hours. 这个不行
※ 引述《scju (QQ)》之铭言:
: : (*) Mix the flour and butter, then add the eggs.
: : 改法之一是Mix the flour and butter and then add the eggs.
: : (*) Start off early, then you won’t have to rush.
: : 改法之一是Start off early and then you won't have to rush.
: : (*) He drank a glass of whisky, then another and then another.
: : 改法之一是He drank a glass of whisky