Re: [假设] 民主国家君子政治崩塌

楼主: dake (V FOR VENDETTA)   2021-10-11 23:00:21
※ 引述《saltlake (SaltLake)》之铭言:
: ※ 引述《sanae0307 (防空栖姬人柱力)》之铭言:
: : 果然不意外的,又产生现实台湾政治论战了,不能明讲就改偷酸的
: : 现在的政治过敏真的越来越严重
: : 所谓私德,就是不干大众事务的部份
: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
: 真的,政治人物没必要因为私德有亏而负责,例如辞去职务?
: 下面这个例子是西德国防部长的博士论文抄袭丑闻,他老兄因而辞职。
: Guttenberg plagiarism scandal refers to the German political scandal that led
: to the resignation of Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg as Minister of Defence of
: Germany over the plagiarism of his doctoral dissertation. The first
: accusations of plagiarism in Guttenberg's dissertation were made public in
: February 2011. Guttenberg's doctoral dissertation, "Verfassung und
: Verfassungsvertrag" ("Constitution and Constitutional Treaty"), had been the
: basis of his 2007 doctorate from the University of Bayreuth.[1][2] Guttenberg
: at first denied intentional plagiarism, calling the accusations "absurd," but
: acknowledged that he may have made errors in his footnotes.[3][4][5] In
: addition, it emerged that Guttenberg had requested a report from the
: Bundestag's research department, which he had then inserted into his thesis
: without attribution.[6] On 23 February 2011, Guttenberg apologized in
: parliament for flaws in his thesis, but denied intentional deception and
: denied the use of a ghostwriter.[7]
: : 我是认为,一个政治人物的个人观念跟他实际上做出来的可以分开,也必须分开
: ^^^^^^^
: 又来了,“你自己认为”,不代表其他人有义务接受你的“个人观点”。
抄袭在国外问题比较大 国外注重智慧财产权观念 抄袭是违法的
作者: zeumax (烟灰缸里的鱼)   2021-10-11 23:02:00
作者: wittmann4213 (玄武岩)   2021-10-11 23:29:00

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