[申诉] Starcraft s91812 不当水桶

楼主: mylife4aiur (誓死干倒烂游戏scII)   2013-07-20 14:59:24
请给板主一些时间, 若三至五天后
板主都未处理, 或是不满意其回复时再贴文申诉
在未与板主联系前, 申诉将暂时不予受理
1. 检举人:mylife4aiur
2. 被检举人/看板:s91812/Starcraft
3. 被检举看板所属群组 :G_strategy
4. 检举事由:2012/4/21错用水桶 powerpoint is deleted in 2011
the owner is changed 完全不同人
why can tell from this event to confirm two ids are the same
2013/7/19 continue using the previous wrong judge to make wrong
5. 举证 (如有需要):ID_Multi 1288
ask powerpoint id owner, he is showed up

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