Re: 驳斥伯拉纠主义的谬论

楼主: df31 (DF-31)   2017-09-29 15:12:14
※ 引述《openeyes222 (睁大眼看)》之铭言:
: 你非常推崇的奥古斯丁表示:
: 早期教会的核心关注是信徒必须一生儆醒,坚持信仰到底。因此,信徒是否有把握自己必然得救,不是他们的关注。奥古斯丁多次表达类似的教导。他在《责备和恩典》(On Rebuke and Grace)的第四十章(13.40)指出﹕“没有人肯定自己的预定和得救。” “No One is Certain and Secure of His Own Predestination and
: Salvation.”他强调有些人,有信仰的开始,但不能持续到底。[10]奥古斯丁是要强调,我们一生都需要紧紧跟从神,要常常谦卑,都需要神的恩典。奥古斯丁在第四十二章指出,有些人有起步的信,但后来离弃神,也因此被神离弃。[11]奥古斯丁在《坚忍的礼物》(On the Gift of Perseverance)一书指出﹕“所以我们不能肯定有任何人在他在生的时候,已经得到神所赐坚忍到底这礼物。若果在他死以前跌倒,他当然没有被保守到底。”
: 你回答不出来的,奥古斯丁回答了。
1- 要提供出处 要不然,人家怎么查证你是编出来的,替人家说话?还是凭空捏造的?还是修改了原始资料以符合你的理论?这是第一点。
2- 要包括一次文献 最好是直接引用。否则,有脚注,尾注也行。因为,这样可以比较作者和一次文献的观点是否一致?抑或是悖逆?
3- 你要提出自己的观点 这样人家才能知道你充分理解你引用的一次+二次文献的内容。
SAINT AUGUSTINE on Justification-Salvation
Christ's saints imitate Him in order to pursue JUSTICE [Justification].
Whence also the same Apostle says: "Be imitators of me, even as I am of
Christ" [1 Cor 11:1]. But besides this imitation, His GRACE also works WITHIN
us our illumination and JUSTIFICATION, by that work of which His same
preacher says: "Neither is he that plants anything, nor he that waters, but
He that gives the increase, God" [1 Cor 3:7].
For by this GRACE baptized INFANTS too are ingrafted into His body, infants
who certainly are not yet able to imitate anyone. Christ, in whom all are
made alive, besides offering Himself as an example of RIGHTEOUSNESS for those
who would imitate Him, gives also the most hidden GRACE of His Spirit to
believers, GRACE which He secretly INFUSES EVEN INTO INFANTS. (Forgiveness of
Sins 1:9:10)
You are the only authorities who suppose that JUSTIFICATION is conferred by
the remission alone of sins. Certainly God JUSTIFIES the impious man not only
by remitting the evil deeds which that man does, but ALSO by granting LOVE,
so that the man may turn away from evil and may DO GOOD THROUGH the Holy
Spirit. (Against Julian 2:165)
He that is by nature the only Son of God, in His mercy to us, was made Son of
Man, so that we, by nature sons of man, might through Him BY GRACE BECOME
SONS of God...For just as we, by the sinning of one man, have fallen into
this so deplorable an evil, so too through JUSTIFICATION wrought by one Man,
the same who is God, we shall come to that good so sublime. (City of God
If anyone says that faith MERITS the grace of doing GOOD WORKS, we cannot
deny it; rather we admit it most readily. THIS is the FAITH we wish they
might have, the FAITH by which they might obtain that LOVE which ALONE truly
DOES GOOD WORKS, those brothers of ours who glory so much in their works!
LOVE, however, is so much the gift of God that it is called God [1 John
Let no one say to himself: "If [justification] is from faith, how is it
freely given [Rom 5:1; 3:24] : If faith MERITS it, why is it not rather paid
than given?" Let the faithful man not say such a thing; for, if he says: "I
have faith, therefore I merit justification," he will be answered: "What have
you that you did not receive" [1 Cor 4:7]? If therefore, faith entreats and
receives JUSTIFICATION, according as God has apportioned to each in the
measure of his faith [Rom 12:3], nothing of human merit PRECEDES the grace of
God, but grace itself MERITS INCREASE, and the increase MERITS PERFECTION,
with the will ACCOMPANYING but not leading, following ALONG but not going in
advance. (Letters 186:3:7,10)
What MERIT, then, does a man have BEFORE grace, by which he might RECEIVE
grace, when our EVERY good merit is produced in us ONLY by grace, and, when
God, crowning our merits, crowns nothing else but His own GIFTS to us?
(Letters 194:5:19)
"He was handed over for our offenses, and He rose again for our
JUSTIFICATION" [Rom 4:25]. What does this mean, "for our JUSTIFICATION" ? So
that He might justify us; so that He might MAKE US JUST. You will be a work
of God, not only because you are a man, but also because YOU ARE JUST....He
who made you without your consent does not JUSTIFY you without your consent.
He made you without your knowledge, but He does not JUSTIFY you without your
WILLING it. (Sermons 169:13)
Now as to LOVE, which the Apostle says is greater than the other two, that
is, than faith and hope [1 Cor 13:13], so much the better is he in whom it is
found. For when it is asked whether someone is a good man, it is not asked
what he BELIEVES or what he hopes for, but what he LOVES. For if someone
loves rightly, without a doubt he believes and hopes rightly. But someone who
does not love believes IN VAIN even if what he believes is TRUE; and he hopes
IN VAIN, even if what he hopes for is rightly taught as pertaining to true
happiness unless he believes and hopes for this also, that through prayer it
may be given him to love.....This however, is the FAITH of Christ which the
Apostle commanded, which WORKS THROUGH LOVE [Gal 5:6]; and for whatever it
does not yet have in love, it asks and receives, seeks and finds, knocks so
that it will be opened to it [Matt 7:7]. Faith asks and OBTAINS what the law
COMMANDS. For without the Gift of God, that is, without the Holy Spirit,
through whom LOVE is poured out into our hearts [Rom 5:5], the law could
command but could not help. Moreoever, the law could make a man a
transgressor, who could not excuse himself on grounds of ignorance. Where
there is NO love of God, carnal desire does reign. (Enchiridion of Faith,
Hope, and Love 31:117)
What is grace? Something given -gratis-. What is given -gratis-? That which
is bestowed rather than paid as owed. If it is owed, it is wages paid, not a
gift graciously given. If it was truly owed, you have been good; but if, as
is the case, you have been evil, but YOU DID BELIEVE IN HIM WHO JUSTIFIES THE
IMPIOUS [i.e. Rom 4:5]
作者: amosvalen (黑键与白键)   2017-09-29 20:20:00
楼主: df31 (DF-31)   2017-09-29 22:15:00
@阿摩斯 欢迎你引用奥古斯丁的拉丁文文献,然后告诉我们他在讲什么!耶!大家准备欢迎‘拉丁文大师’出场!鼓掌啊!呵呵。。。。。。。无知的人讲的无知的话!连老美都引用英文翻译,还拉丁文嘞!。。。火舌头降在头上喽!
作者: amosvalen (黑键与白键)   2017-09-29 22:42:00
楼主: df31 (DF-31)   2017-09-29 23:09:00

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