Introduction to Philosophy: God, Knowledge and Consciousness
在这个MOOC中教授Caspar Hare扼要地介绍了the Problem of Evil与the Argument from
Evil 并说明了1个他认为最好的针对the Argument from Evil的不同意见(response)
注: The Argument from Evil是反对omniscient(全知)+omnibenevolent(全善)
首先,有意思地Caspar Hare给出全知全善全能的定义如下:
* A thing is omniscient when:
1. Everything that is true, it knows to be true.
2. Everything it believes to be true is true.
* A thing is omnibenevolent when:
1. For each of us, it wants us to be better off rather than worse off.
2. Given a choice between the world being better and worse, it always
wants the world to be better.
* A thing is omnipotent when:
1. Everything that it wants to be the case is the case.
2. If it were to want anything to be the case then it would be the case.
注: 我在Reddit上听说有些基督教哲学家会反对其中几种定义方式,我还搞不懂何故,
若有板友了解欢迎说明(同时指正Caspar Hare的定义)
其次,the Argument from Evil就是指如下:
[P1] Some terrible things happen (in the world).
[P2] If there were an omniscient, omnibenevolent, omnipotent God then no
terrible things would happen (in the world).
[ C] There is no omniscient, omnibenevolent, omnipotent God.
Caspar Hare说他认为最好的针对the Argument from Evil(或the Problem of
Evil)的不同意见为"There Is No Best Possible World"(以下节录自Hare讲课):
"...God, albeit that he was omniscient, omnibenevolent, and omnipotent, when
he was in a position to create universe [he] was in position like this. He
could choose any one of infinitely many possible worlds to create. And they're
arrayed in terms of how good they are, and there's always a better one. In that
kind of situation, the God with the magic three qualities just has to pick a
world and recognize that he could have picked a better one. That's just the
situation he was in. And so he picked this world, the world that we're in. And
yes, terrible things happen. The world would have been better if the terrible
things hadn't happened. But whatever world he created, he could have created
a better one. OK, so that is, as I say, probably the best response to
The Problem of Evil. It relies on this idea that there is no best possible