[请益] what should I do

楼主: RemusKao (Idgie)   2019-01-12 18:54:58
The fellow from that vihara called my mother
and asked her to join their meal gathering.
My mother has serious insomnia and anxiety problem.
That’s because my father had an affair with a female fellow from that vihara.
The master of that vihara knew their thing.
My mother’s insomnia becomes serious because of that call.
Today, my father shouted at my mother because of this matter.
My mother thought the master should deleted her name.
It is very obvious my mother would not go there.
My father shouted and yell very loud,
How come the master know ! How come she knows my mother’s name is on that li
Shouldn’t the master be more careful?
They had chance to had an affair is because she sent them to do errends
Only my father and that female fellow…
I don’t want to criticize anyone I just want to solve the problem.…
作者: ilanese (坐听无弦曲)   2019-01-12 18:57:00
作者: yogi (Yogi)   2019-01-12 19:03:00
Teaching sila is the foundation of any buddhist vihara.Those which dont emphasize on sila education are not worth to stay with.
楼主: RemusKao (Idgie)   2019-01-12 19:15:00
those disciples believes only donate to that templecan get merits other temple’s can’t give merits…
作者: Whiteplus (陪伴是最珍贵的礼物)   2019-01-12 22:03:00
In my humble opinion, first of all, take your mother to see a doctor to fix the problems. Having a sound sleep and letting the anxiety be gone are a mustright now. Secondly, don’t let your father have the chance to see your mother coz he might shout oryell at your mother, which is another way to hurtyour mother intentionally and does no good to her.It’s just a piece of advice from a stranger and Isincerely hope that it does help you and your mother more or less.
楼主: RemusKao (Idgie)   2019-01-12 22:30:00
We live together and financially depend on him...
作者: nmamtb (南无阿弥陀佛)   2019-01-13 07:09:00
Amitabha, I hope this could help you change your life~https://youtu.be/A1C0Hnx-Gk4 change the thought first~
作者: future261 (咪呜猫抱着起司条)   2019-01-13 08:44:00
同1F,估狗过PTT ID都用中文发言阿 不就台湾人可知版上很多人都有多益黄金证照 一定能跟你对上法鼓文理学院有开设佛学英文 其实也鼓励多用英文练习但是不是要观场合一下 干脆也来几篇日文的要不要还有梵文跟藏文呢
作者: nmamtb (南无阿弥陀佛)   2019-01-13 09:31:00
And I suggest that you can do the three things:https://youtu.be/O797bodZYnMTo future261: His(or her) father maybe come here. He(or she) doesn't want he to see this article.
作者: terrytina19 (翼)   2019-01-13 18:26:00
南无月光如来 南无宝髻如来 南无药师琉璃光如来南无地藏王菩萨 阿弥陀佛金刚经:一切有为法,如梦幻泡影,如露亦如电,应作如是观

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