When we see that people around us are facing many sufferings or even death,
or when we see that many people are facing immense tragedies and
difficulties, we cannot physically feel their sufferings. Nevertheless, we
should do a practice. From the point of view of Buddhism or Tibetan Buddhism
in particular, it is important that one must try to experience others’
sufferings. Even though you cannot physically feel their pains, you should
try and relate to them in your mind.
这样的一个练习,当我们时常去关怀别人的时候, 我们的悲心与关怀心会越来越增强。
Through this kind of training, we can develop our compassion. This is a means
to think for others by feeling what they feel. Through this practice, as we
often care for others, our compassion will grow stronger.
同时,我们也可以从另一个角度来谈生死。我们既然已经出生,就一定会死亡。 死亡是
一定的事情,是没有办法避免的。所以, 总是想尽方法试着要避免死亡,这绝对不是一
个聪明的办法, 不是一个好办法。 因此,我们试着从现在开始去面对死亡,去习惯死亡
At the same time, we can also consider life and death from another angle.
Since we have been born, we will definitely die. Death is for certain, and
cannot be avoided. Therefore, it is definitely not wise to try very hard to
avoid death. It is not a good idea. Therefore, from now on, we should try to
face death and be familiar with it. Through this kind of practice, our fear
and anxiety of death will diminish.
[中英文内容由噶举祈愿办事处译录, 欢迎分享 Recorded and translated by Kagyu
Monlam Office. Enjoy reading!]
~ 法王噶玛巴2016年6月22日德里课程开示“生命与死亡”The Gyalwang Karmapa’s
teaching on “Life and Death”, Delhi, June 22nd, 2016
Life & Death(全开释课程影片)