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作者: anneju () 看板: EuropeTravel
标题: [问题] 转机、行李和入境的疑问...
时间: Sun Nov 5 00:07:11 2017
前阵子买了一张伊比利航空的机票 但对于一些细节转机 出入境还是很不确定
偏偏他们家台湾没有客服 爬了一下文 也写信问了他们的客服
但他们的客服给我很朦胧的回答 不知是我英文表达能力不足还是我阅读能力有问题
只好再麻烦板上的大大们帮我解惑一下~~ ><
首先是机票 我买了一张机票 细节如下:
1. 我去程于7:15PM抵达MAD 三小时后10:30PM伊比利航空公司有一台MAD飞往KEF的飞机
想加买这张机票 想问若加买这张机票 是否可以行李直挂至KEF?
(考量同一航空公司 应该可以?)
2. 如果我加买这张机票 请问我是在KEF入境欧盟(过海关) 还是需要在MAD先入境?
如果是在KEF才入境 那我在MAD是走"转机"的通道吗?
或是我要在MAD排队出来一次 再排队进去一次(去搭往KEF的飞机)?
3. 请问回程我的退税是在CDG办理还是在MAD办理? 查到之前网友的说法 应该是CDG?
4. 请问我出境欧盟 是在CDG出境吗? 还是在MAD呢? 我到MAD时需要排队过海关吗?
还是走转机的通道? (与第二题呼应)
Dear Sir/Ma'am,
I have bought a ticket from you. The booking code is XXX. My first journey
is TPE-PVG-MAD. I shall arrive MAD at 7:15 PM. But now I would like to purchase
one more IBERIA ticket flying from MAD to KEF at 10:30 PM, which is a flight
that will take off about 3 hours after my arrival at MAD.
And my question is, if I buy the ticket to KEF...
1. Could I have my checked baggage delivered directly from PVG to KEF? (so I
don't need to take my baggage out and check them in again at MAD)
2. Do I need to go through the Customs at MAD? Or I just go for 'Transferring
passenger' route at MAD?
Hope you could help me figure out. Thanks in advance!
Dear Mrs. XX
According with your request let us inform you that if you want to buy a new
ticket you should check the luggage and is not mandatory to go through
customs all over again.
For any doubt, you can contact us. We work 24 hours to help you.
还请高人帮我指点!! 感谢!!!