xiaoa (ä¸äº‹ç”Ÿç”¢)
2014-07-23 01:18:12首先, 我不懂, 为什么要每个帐号发一篇文章
Tiunn, sitifan, Chengheong 是同一个人
※ 引述《Chengheong (Hohlolang)》之铭言:
: http://www.patheos.com/blogs/rogereolson/2014/07/can-atheism-support-ethical-a
: bsolutes-is-ethics-without-absolutes-enough/?utm_source=SilverpopMailing&utm_m
: edium=email&utm_campaign=rogereolson_072214UTC020741_daily&utm_content=&spMail
: ingID=46521540&spUserID=MTAwNjQyMjkxNDM4S0&spJobID=482863094&spReportId=NDgyOD
: YzMDk0S0
然后, 其实我没有什么要说的(除了第一句话)
基督教的道德只是冠上上帝之名, 就自认是高格调
事实上犹太教系的法律都已经过时得不能再过时了, 而且还有一堆暴力的刑法
这是在Assassin's Creed的短片动画里, Ezio对妻子sofia解释 the creed 的意义
To say that nothing is true, is to realize that the foundations of society
are fragile, and that we must be the shepherds of our own civilization. To
say that everything is permitted, is to understand that we are the architects
of our actions, and that we must live with their consequences, whether
glorious or tragic
说 nothing is true
是要我们理解这社会的基石是脆弱的, 我们必须成为我们的文明的牧师(牧羊人)
说 everything is permitted
是我们要明白我们是我们的行为的设计者, 我们必须自己面对对它(行为)造成的结果,
我会提这个, 是因为其中提到 shepherd, 及 解释 everything is permitted
shepherd有基督教典故, 也是牧师被称为"牧师"的由来
而解释 everything is permitted 的意义, 则是回应原文中提到的这句话
neohippie (米国圣光肥鲁八嘎囧)
2014-09-14 11:03:001If "nothing is true" then there should be no creedThat's a logical fallacy.Secondly, are you sure that you are the"architect"Of your own actions?Because you are thus claiming thatyou have absolute control of your own fateAnyone with any level of humility would realizethat your claim is delusionalAnd you would rather believe a video game as truthrather than something that has stood for 2000 years