[笔译] 英译日_2.5/字_网络使用者条文

楼主: lcyspeaking (初衷。中出)   2014-09-02 22:52:14
工作量:约 4000 字
工作报酬: 2.3 一个英文字
涉及语言: 英翻中
所属领域: 网络电子商务
文件类型: 网站使用者条款与网站政策
截稿日: 九月中
应征期限: 九月七日前
联络方式: jobs@commandp.me
付费方式: 完稿由公司确认无误后三日内以现金或是银行转账支付,
试 译 文:
commandp respects the intellectual property rights of others.
We ask our users to do the same. commandp may terminate the accounts of
users who infringe, or may infringe, the copyright or
other intellectual property rights of others.
If you believe that your Content has been copied in a way
that constitutes copyright and/or trademark infringement,
please notify commandp,
and provide the following information ("Notice"):
作者: starry1020   2014-09-03 22:52:00

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