Re: [偷可] how

楼主: zigzag (Ζ)   2016-03-26 02:16:28
※ 引述《QQ890829 (我是小比宝 棒棒)》之铭言:
: “How to deal with the sorrow?”
: I saw this sentence on the text book in 2014. I don't know why I remember it.
: I forget the way which said on the book of dealing with the sorrow..
: If I were unhappy, I would cry. I think that cry is the best way to face the s
I saw this sentence on the textbook in 2014. I don't know why I remembered it.*
I forgot the way which was said in the book of dealing with the sorrow...**
If I were unhappy, I would cry.***
I think that crying is the best way to face the sorrow.****
*: 一般叙述中,如果不是客观或常态事实,比较不建议用现在式。
不然就加个时间副词,例如:...why I remember it now.
或 why I always remember it.(always是很好用的字,但跟上面这句意思不大一样)
**: 比较:
1. I forgot the way which was said on the book of dealing the sorrow.
2. I forgot the way, which was said on the book, of dealing the sorrow.
***: 你用过去式,表示 "不可能发生",也就是说你不可能不快乐。你是这个意思吗?
比较:If I am unhappy, I will cry.
****: 这里我建议cry改成动名词。
   动名词用法非常常见,你要习惯啊 XDDDD
大概是这样吧,请参考 (汗)
作者: sakusakurai (我的GG有300公分( ̄﹁ ̄))   2016-03-26 02:18:00
zigzag大大,请容许小的膜拜(跪cry的名次用在喊叫比较多无误,小说很常看到“....”she cried ,我以前刚看英文小说时还想说哭屁哦XD
楼主: zigzag (Ζ)   2016-03-26 02:26:00
我以前也是这样误解欸!XDDDDDD还有 he reached out for xxx 想说为什么一直到达 结果原来只是伸出手拿xxx @@
作者: sakusakurai (我的GG有300公分( ̄﹁ ̄))   2016-03-26 02:30:00
作者: lpbrother (趴趴153豆瓣LP哥)   2016-03-26 08:05:00
作者: hoij79627 (诚征回收业者)   2016-03-26 08:07:00
作者: QQ890829 (翔翔娃兒不信甜美的誓言)   2016-03-26 10:21:00
所以要用crying吗0.0 谢谢
楼主: zigzag (Ζ)   2016-03-26 13:40:00
靠 我疏忽了一个地方:"in" the book, not "on" the book中文讲在书上 其实应该是在书中 ><

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