※ [本文转录自 Translation 看板 #1Cpo3VzB ]
作者: tengharold (RoadMan_A) 看板: Translation
标题: [资讯分享] 蒙特瑞口笔译翻译讲习交流
时间: Tue Nov 2 04:19:34 2010
Monterey Institute of International Studies
What can I do with my 2 languages?
An introduction to Translation & Interpretation Careers
民国99年11月27日 10:00 a.m.~2:00 p.m.
主持人Moderator: Jackie Yeh (MATI '10)
10:00 Register
10:30 Panel I: T& I and Localization口笔译与中文化
12:00 Break & Refreshment 休息与午餐
12:40 Panel II: Teaching and other professions 教学与其他专业
<会场备有免费餐点及饮料, RSVP jinhuei.dai@miis.edu>
Sponsored by ROC Grads of the T & I Programs at the Monterey Institute of
International Studies & Monterey Institute of International Studies,
A Graduate School of Middlebury College
How to Get There
1) Take the MRT (Taipei Rapid Transit System) brown line, to MRT Taipei Zoo.
Then, take the bus (#236, 237, 611, 282, Brown-11, or Brown-6) across the
street from MRT Taipei Zoo Station to NCCU.
2) Go to College of Commerce (see #26 and the blue arrows).