1. 在进入 XXX 之前,您曾经在aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd, eee,等知名钟表品牌担任要职,
就您过往的经验来看,您认为 XXX 比起其他品牌拥有什么样的优势?
Before joined XXX, you've worked for several luxury watch manufacturers,
such as aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd and eee. What are XXX's strengths compared to its
2. 能否与我们谈谈您进入 XXX 之后,现阶段的主要任务是什么?又您如何带领您的团
Could you please talk about your main mission since you joined XXX? And
how do you lead your team to grow?
3. 2015年是 XXX N周年,您认为 XXX 的品牌价值是什么?又有哪一只腕表作品是
This year, XXX celebrates its Nth anniversary. In your opinion, what's
XXX’s core value through its long history? And what watch is the classic
one in your mind?
4. XXX 最著名的特点之一就是你们的自制机芯,未来是否也会继续朝这个方向发展?
XXX has always been known for its in-house movements, will XXX dedicate the
resources to developing its own movements? If so, could you please share some
features of the movements in your on-going project? If not, what's your
product plan?
5. 对于亚洲等新兴市场,能否谈谈您的行销策略为何?是否有特定的主打产品或销售方
Could you please talk about the marketing strategy about some emerging
markets like Asia? Is there any specialized product or marketing strategy for
these markets?
6. 有鉴于近期智能手表的发表吸引不少顾客尤其是年轻一代的消费者,您认为这会造成
XXX 的竞争压力吗?又或者 XXX 将如何吸引年轻族群?
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