: ※ 引述《norlin (norlin)》之铭言:
: : 几个月前,透过 hunter 来到这家公司,刚开始气氛一切都还算不错,日子一久发现办
: 公
: : 室内,即便工作上有overlap,有些人从来没有交谈的行为发生,近日老板请我介入底下
: : 某位主管工作,直接接手他手边的案子,无须知会他,直接与他的 team members co-w
: or
: : k, and report the status to V.P,而这位主管在公司超过十年,直接bypass 他 rep
: or
: : t
: : 状况给V.P , 会让人感觉又好像他都没做事,是在逼退他一样,据平时观察,他的表
: 现
: : 各方
: : 面都很不错,猜想他跟老板之间可能发生很严重的歧见,所以老板才会出这招,希望透
: 过
: : 我的手干掉他,请问大家,碰上这种情况时,会怎么做呢?1. 为了生存,直接干掉他
: ?
: : 2.report 给VP时,cc e-mail给他,顺便在mail 上,感谢他的帮忙,可是同时间会得
: 罪
: : 老板?3. 先跟他套好招? 4. Others?
Hi Norlin,
Some advice for you.
1. Do as your boss says. The way I see it, you overthink something
he didn't say.
2. Try to get yourself involved in the job. Focus on the task itself.
3. Always take initiative at work, which includes getting along with
everyone you are going to work with.
However, that doesn't mean starting a war based on some imagination.