公司名称:M800 台湾资信
统编(中华民国以外注册可免填): 50766514
公司地址(填写详细至号): TAIPEI 101 45F-C
职缺: Web 资深前端工程师
[Basic Qualifications]
* B.S. or M.S. in Computer Science or a related field
* 5+ years of web application developing experience
* 3+ years of professional React.js/Vue.js programming
* Proficient in Git workflow best practices
* Familiar with RESTful APIs or GraphQL
* Knowledge of building UI framework and styleguide
* Familiar with modern front-end build pipelines and tools
* Proactive team player with good communication skills
[Preferred Qualifications]
* WebRTC & SIP
* Web Worker
* WebAssembly
* AWS Cloud experience
* Mobile browser capability
* E2E auto test
员工是否需自备工具?: 否
薪资(月薪): 70K-100K
薪资(保证最低年薪,必填项目): 14 个月
工时: 9:00~18:00 (午休1小时) / 周休二日
* 第一年享有 10 天年假
* 交通津贴
* 伙食津贴
* 免费现磨咖啡与零食
* 每月部门聚餐
maaiiConnect provides your business with a transformative, holistic solution
for enterprise collaboration and customer engagement. Leveraging an
innovative multi-dimensional convergence model. maaiiConnect integrates
communications across multiple channels, such as PSTN, VoIP, websites, apps,
and social networks. maaiiConnect is device agnostic, empowering your
employees to be more productive, as well as providing your company a platform
to deliver a multimedia communication experience to your customers anytime,
anywhere, on any device.
Tim Chen
E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail Title 请注明 from PTT
其他职缺可参考 104