chieher ("Be all you can be")
2017-09-28 01:33:16A total of 28,260 runners submitted applications into the 2018 Boston
Marathon, with 23,198 qualified runners having been accepted into the race.
Those who ran 3 minutes, 23 seconds or faster than their age and gender
qualifying times were accepted into the 2018 Boston Marathon.
今年的波士顿马拉松,录取成绩为比合格成绩快 3 分 23 秒。
一共有 5062 名跑者达标但没有被录取。
这是从 2013 年波马提高标准后,最高的 cutoff 时间
YEAR cutoff not accepted
2012 1:14 3,228
2014 1:38 2,976
2015 1:02 1,947
2016 2:28 4,562
2017 2:09 2,957
2018 3:23 5,062
目前报名成功的台湾跑者共有 58 人。不过待成绩审核完成之后,数量可望增加。