unmolk (UJ)
2022-07-24 01:12:26※ 本文是否可提供台大同学转作其他非营利用途?(须保留原作者 ID)
ψ 授课教师 (若为多人合授请写开课教师,以方便收录)
罗珮瑜 Melody
λ 开课系所与授课对象 (是否为必修或通识课 / 内容是否与某些背景相关)
δ 课程大概内容
Digitization and the internet lower the cost of collecting, disseminating,
and analyzing data. This course explores how digitization affects
interactions between people, firms, and governments. We examine how
institutions and regulations can and do respond. Topics include privacy,
social networks, network effects, online platforms, recommendation
algorithms, reputation mechanisms, search, matching, and digital payment
systems. Advanced economic theory, especially tools from information
economics, will be used to explain features of the digital economy and
suggest policy recommendations.
Course Objective:
1. Describe how the digital age changes interactions.
2. Apply advanced economic theories to analyze the implications of different
features of the digital economy.
3. Evaluate the impact of different policy recommendations.
4. Articulate questions and formalize conjectures about phenomena in the
digital economy.
5. Support made claims with solid economic arguments.
Course outline (Course Schedule of 18 weeks)
每周包含了 1~3 篇 paper,实际进度跟周次规划微微不同,但内容都差不多。
Week 1: Privacy