[试题] 102-2 戴子安 薄膜技术与表面分析 期末考

楼主: encorev37383 (廖小白)   2014-06-19 21:19:26
试题 :
Please elaborate your answer to receive full points for each question!
A. XPS (10 points)
1. (a) How to do 'depth profile' of a sample?
(b) What information can be obtained? You can give examples to explain.
B. SPR (10 points)
2. (a) Please use schematics (画示意图) with necessary keywords to briefly
describe the key mechanisms of Surface Plasmon Resonance.
(b) What are the main components of a typical SPR instrument?
C. SEM & TEM (15 points)
3. Please mention five important parts in the equipment of SEM.
D. XRD (20 points)
4. List three functions for XRD in thin-film analysis.
5. The following is a XRD pattern has been obtained from a thin-film and it
shows the peaks corresponding to (110) and (103) crystal planes at 2θ=27.0
and 36, respectively. The peak intensity ratio I(110)/I(103) obtained from
the JACPS-data file for randomly powder sample is 100/50. The pattern
clearly shows the crystals preferably aligned with their (110) plane along
the surface. Determine V(110)/V(103), where V(hkl) is the total volume of
the crystals having their (hkl) plane parallel to the thin-film surface.
E. CVD (10 points)
6. The deposition rate of CVD process can be described using the following
formula. v正比 ks.hg/(ks+hg) Where v is the deposition rate, hg is the gas
phase mass transport coefficient, and ks is the surface reaction rate.
(a) If ks << hg, what would be the rate limiting factor? (Reaction limited
or transport limited?) Explain why?
(b) If ks >> hg, what would be the rate limiting factor? (Reaction limited
or transport limited?) Explain why?
F. Thin Film Fabrication (15 points)
7. Describe three methods to control the thickness of a film deposited by spin
G. AFM/STM (20 points)
8. In contact mode, plot a typical force-displacement curve between AFM tip and
a surface during the approach/exit cycle of the tip. Indicate the regime at
which setpoint-contact mode operation is made.
9. Illustrate the tip bending in each regime.
楼主: encorev37383 (廖小白)   2014-06-19 21:20:00

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