Rule 2.00 (Catch) Comment: A catch is legal if the ball is finally held by
any fielder, even though juggled, or held by another fielder before it
touches the ground. Runners may leave their bases the instant the first
fielder touches the ball. A fielder may reach over a fence, railing, rope or
other line of demarcation to make a catch. He may jump on top of a railing,
or canvas that may be in foul ground. No interference should be allowed when
a fielder reaches over a fence, railing, rope or into a stand to catch a
ball. He does so at his own risk.
If a fielder, attempting a catch at the edge of the dugout, is “held up”
and kept from an apparent fall by a player or players of either team and the
catch is made, it shall be allowed.
其实MLB在1925年世界大赛的第三场时就发生过, 这种神接
还被espn的Jayson Stark选为史上十大伟大守备的第九名
只是当时还没有录影设备, 1925年世界大赛第三场, 由参议员队对上海盗队, 当时
参议员队以4比3领先。海盗队的捕手Earl Smith击出了一支很远的飞球飞往右中外野间
快变成一支全垒打, 而参议员队球团特别在那里加设了一些座位, 让球迷看世界大赛。
参议员队的Sam Rice跑了很长的一段距离后, 使劲压着墙, 跳上去接球, 因此掉进
暂时露天座位的球迷膝盖中, 而失去踪迹。整整有15秒裁判都没有作出判决, 之后Rice
从观众群中现身爬回场上手里还握著球。Smith因此被判定出局, 而海盗队则持续抗议著,
到底Rice接住球了没? 最终, Rice决定写一封信给名人堂说明真相